Your Papers Please….Shnell!

Posted: January 29, 2022 in politics

Interesting how pliable and flexible Americans have become. America. The country that thumbed its nose at England and told the king to go take a shit in his hat has turned into the kind of police state that would make Stalin blush.

Take a disease that is 99.3% survivable, ie… Covid-19 and all of its variants. Yes,it was and remains 99.3%survivable. Yet is being treated like the Spanish Flu Epidemic which broke out during World War I! Hospitals are not jammed full of the dead and dying! People are not dying in the streets.Nonetheless, world governments have whipped every nation into a fury over Covid.

The government response? Lock-downs, manufacturing plants shuttered, schools closed, society ground to a halt. Add to that, people everywhere, running around looking like demented doctors and nurses wearing surgical masks. And of course the hand sanitizer…oh, the hand sanitizer, EVERYWHERE! But never fear. President Trump started Operation Warp Speed to develop a vaccine in less than a year and several companies did just that. It’s a miracle! Except they don’t work. Why? Because they are NOT TRUE VACCINES in any sense of the word. What they are is MRNA re-sequencers and gene manipulators; NOT vaccines at all. Yet that is how this experimental toxic liquid has been sold to the world. We won’t even get into the horrific side effects which have struck the rich and poor, and old and young alike. Bottom line: The “vaccines” don’t work.

In the past, you got a vaccine to prevent illness, be it the flu, measles, mumps, rubella & polio to name a few. If you were vaccinated, you didn’t get those diseases…period. however, the Covid-19 vaccines are not vaccines at all and is simply an MRNA inhibitor. The result is that people are getting vaccinated and receiving multiple booster shots and are STILL contracting Covid and dropping dead. Colin Powell for example.

So we have a disease that is 99.3% survivable (my whole family is unvaxxed and we all had it and survived), we have a vaccine that doesn’t work, and have created a China-like masked society where people rat each other out for not wearing face masks even though they too have been proven to be worthless at stopping Covid transmission.

Now the worst thing of all. Covid “passports.” People are actually getting cards that say they were vaccinated and many businesses, even other countries are mandating them before you can even enter!!! That’s right. In NYC for example, you cannot enter a restaurant or bar without a Covid ID. In some places you cannot even shop for groceries without your Covid paperwork! No, it’s not Nazi Germany. it’s the USA! But you’d never know it.

All of this over Covid. An ID to do almost ANYTHING in America’s biggest cities, L.A. & NY. Yet strangely these places still refuse to mandate ID’s to vote. I swear sometimes it’s like I’m living on the outside just watching the insanity going on. You need an ID to grocery shop but not to vote? How can this be? Just sayin.’

When Is A Vaccine NOT A Vaccine?

Posted: December 11, 2021 in politics

The answer. Simple. When it’s the Covid-19 Vaccine. Whether it’s any of the “vaccines ” currently available it’s all the sam They aren’t vaccines at all. Remember when we were little kids and we got a wide range of real vaccinations against things like Measles, Mumps, Polio, you name it.

We were NOT given vaccinations to lessen symptom or to lessen hospitalizations. Nope. We we vaccinated so we didn’t get these horrific and deadly diseases! Period! When was the last case of Polio in the U.S.? Why? Because we have a vaccine!!! THAT’S WHAT VACCINES DO…PREVENT DISEASE!

What is currently being touted as “vaccines ” are simply MRNA Inhibitors which attempt to rewrite a person’s DNA to make it…and this is impossible, to make a person less susceptible to Covid-19 and to lessen the severity. The problem is: IT DOESN’T WORK! Add to that the horrendous side effects some people experience after taking “the jab” and one can easily begin to say sorry you’re not giving that to me pal! Case in point , musician Eric Clapton who had side effects so bad he may never play the guitar again!

then the case of former General and Secretary of State Colin Powell who died from Covid-19. Powell was vaccinated and boosterized and he STILL contracted the disease and died from it! A former secretary of state!

So why…WHY would I happily and compliancy stick my arm out for a jab when it’s STILL experimental and the bottom line is that it doesn’t work? When they come out with a real vaccine I will be the first in line because me my wife and son all had Covid back in June and it was no picnic. But we survived and we are just fine….with no “vaccine.”

So if it doesn’t protect, doesn’t work and the side effects are potentially horrible, we have as ourselves, why is the government pushing so hard for everyone to get vaccinated? Just sayin’.


Degenerate lefty scum try to destroy Andrew Jackson Statue.

It’s EXACTLY what we’re seeing. EXACTLY! Look at this video from the 1:14 mark:  We don’t like this, so we’re going to tear it down! How long until we reach the pont where we hear, “We don’t like him, so we are  that’s why we’re going to kill him!” While Black Lives undoubtedly matter, so do all other lives! BLM has, IMHO, turned into a cross between a cult and a terrorist group.  We have watched this group through Ferguson , Baltimore and various other cities. Why? Who the Hell elected them to represent anyone, anywhere, anytime?

It may come as a surprise to BLM, but there are other groups that were treated horrifically as well throughout American History! Even a cursory examination of the way the Chinese were treated in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries in America is enough to make one weep! From slave labor, to discrimination, to massacres of even helpless, innocent women & children, yet where is the Chinese Lives Matter Group?

Likewise, Germans, Poles, Italians and especially the Irish were treated horribly at different periods in American History. The same could be said of Mexicans in America, both legally and illegally.  In 1860’s, the Irish in New York City actually filed off the ships bringing them to America, were drafted,  given uniforms and rifles on the piers and docks and marched right back on to different ships only to be dropped into battle to fight for their new country a few days later!

Not so surprisingly, discrimination against one group or another has happened in almost every country on Earth at one time or another; including and ESPECIALLY African Nations!  One need only look at Apartheid South Africa in the days of White Rule, vs. today.  What organizations like BLM seem to forget is that in some cases, it was Africans themselves who sold other Africans into slavery! YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT! AFRICANS SOLD THEIR AFRICAN BROTHERS TO WHITE EUROPEANS AND INTO SLAVERY!

Then there is the ridiculous, American-Invented sense of Africanism!  It’s truly ludicrous!  Many Westerners wonder about African slavers is why they were willing to sell their own people. Why would they sell Africans to Europeans? The simple answer to this question is that they did not see slaves as “their own people.” Blackness (as an identity or marker of difference) was at that time a preoccupation of Europeans, not Africans. There was also in this era no collective sense of being “African.” In other words, African slave traders felt no obligation to protect African slaves because they did not regard them as their equals.

Africans were just as brutal, just as murderous and just as sadistic as Europeans. They fought bloody wars against other African Kingdoms and took slaves, murdered women and children, etc… Victors sold the vanquished to Europeans. Again, it wasn’t seen as a racial issue, but rather as a way to destroy one’s enemies while at the same time enriching yourself.

The slave trade has gone on continuously, uninterrupted, almost since man left the cave and it continues today in 2020, with the biggest prizes, ironically being White, blonde, blue eyes European and American Women sold to buyers in the Middle East and Africa. So where’s the “Womens’ Lives Matter” group?

You see, Blacks in no way are the most oppressed people in America, ESPECIALLY in 2020! At the same time it’s funny that America suffered through 8 years of a Black President! Yes, this horrible racist nation elected a Black President TWICE! Unfortunately, he did NOTHING, to help race relations and indeed by the time he left office, they were much, much worse than when he entered office! He did nothing to reform police and nothing to reform criminal justice. They would be done by a White President Donald Trump!

Groups like BLM demand that Americans change their perception of Blacks; yet while Blacks make up approximately 25% of the population, they commit nearly 70% of the violent crimes in America according to Barack Obama’s Justice Department!

But it’s not solely the fault of ANTIFA or BLM. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the “Progressives” realized they could not quickly achieve the change they sought in America. So they came up with a one hundred year plan. Yep. A hundred years of planning, scheming and plodding and guess what? Robert LaFollette would be proud if he looked at any of America’s Major Cities in June 2020.

Likewise, Saul Alinsky would see his Rules For Radicals played out by his disciples; many of whom have never even heard of him or his philosophy. Simiilarly, while disciples like Cloward & Piven would also be celebrating, those like Martin Luther King would look on in horror, particularly at the fact that these animals, yes animals are attempting not to end racism, segregation and preferences based on skin color and race but TO ENHANCE SEGREGATION! In fact California has decided to repeal its affirmative action and quota laws regarding hiring! That’s right! After YEARS of fighting for affirmative action and equality, now those laws and doctrine are being struck down; not just in California, but all over the country! NOW, BLACKS WANT separate dorms, separate student centers, separate sports leagues, you name it! I personally think this is AWESOME! But that’s another story, for another time!

It truly seems as though these fucktards want a re-enactment of the 1960’s lunch counter in Mississippi; FOR REAL!  They want signs that say “Blacks Only!”. They want signs that say ” Whites Only! “. Look at Jordan Peele saying “I will never cast a White Actor.”😁 That’s about as racist as it gets! But it’s ok, because he’s Black. Meanwhile, if  a White Producer said, “I’ll never cast a Black Actor, he’d immediately be labeled as a racist and bigot and his career would end then and there! Likewise, look at Kanye West, whose support of President Trump has gotten him labeled as an “Uncle Tom,” an ” Oreo, ” and a “Zebra,” among other slurs! Thi simply because he supports a man of a different race! Totally racist!🤔

Let’s get one thing straight. I am no champion of civil rights or anti-racism; nor am I a particular fan of Martin Luther King. However, I respect wht Dr King did and tried to do. I am personally of the mind that what King and other “civil rights heroes” were trying to do was like trying to bail out the Titanic with a red Solo Cup as it sank.

You can educate people. You can attempt to modify their behavior individually and as a group by coercion, or by reward, threats and punishment. But you can NEVER fundamentally change human nature. Like the song says, thats just the way it is. While you can stop the sight of badly beaten corpses hanging from trees, you cannot stop the fundamental distrust, fear and in many cases, baseless hatred for things things that are different.

With that in mind, there have been hundreds if not thousands of volumes and articles written about the American Civil War and the impact of slavery as a cause, as a motivation to fight, a justification etc.. What is often overlooked is that while a Northern Victory would surely mean an end to slavery, even in light of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, there were a scant few in the North who were willing to fight to end slavery. In fact, Northern attitudes toward Blacks were just as profoundly negative as they were in the South. In fact, it could be argued that Southern Attitudes toward Blacks was actually positive; relatively speaking, when compared with Northern Attitides; especially in cities like New York, Philadelphia and Boston.

At least those in the South saw a “need” for Blacks, albeit as posessions, rather than people. To someone in Charleston or Atlanta, a Black was viewed like a piece of farm equipment or a workhorse. They had to be cared for, as one would take care of a mule. Meanwhile, in cities like Pittsburgh and New York, “Niggers,” were viewed as taking the jobs of Whites and raping White Women. Blacks were slurred and humiliated in public, beaten and sometimes murdered with ” zero shits given. ” The acronym NIMBY, Not in my backyard applied 100% with Blacks being shut out of the vast majority of neighborhoods everywhere in the North leading to them living in their own enclaves.

The New York City Draft Riots were greatly impacted and in some levels CAUSED by President Lincoln’s new, additional war goal of freeing the slaves.  The average, lower income, White, Factory Worker in New York City, had no desire to leave his home and family to fight for members of another race who were trying to steal the jobs of Whites! They didn’t speak English. They didn’t understand America or American Culture and/or customs. They had flat noses, curly short hair, big flat noses and their skin was a different color! No! Northern Whites were simply unwilling to die for these people and they rebelled throughout New York City and other major northern cities.

Lincoln realized there was hatred for Blacks, but felt that freeing the slaves added an air of nobility to the war, that all men should be free and treated like men; not farm animals or 2/3 of a man. Further, he really did believe that there was a group of Americans whom this would spur into action and cause them to enlist and while Lincoln, by no means thought this would help turn the tide of the war he felt it couldn’t hurt and would interject an additional modicum of morality to the slaughter of brothers by their brothers.

But what then? What would happen when we won the war? Lincoln wrestled with this question and came up with a solution. Send them back. Just that simple. Send them back. lincoln believed that Blacks WERE different than Whites fundamentally and they would NEVER truly be able to integrate with Whites into American Society and some 155 years later, in many ways that remains true!

Lincoln believed that since Blacks were brought here against their will, the moral, the humane solution would be to send them back — to Africa. Yet he knew the voyage was difficult,  inhumane and in many cases even deadly; and while the west African nation of Liberia had been set up in 1847 for the express purpose of giving freed slaves a homeland, mass exodus was simply impractical. So he moved forward with plans to create a Black Republic somewhere in central or south America, although he would be assassinated before he could see it through.

Instead, upon Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency and what followed over the next 155 years was a sad, bloody, cruel and often inhuman history littered with the corpses of inumerable Blacks. From the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow Laws, “Seperate But Equal,” George Wallace, The Freedom Riders, Rosa Parks and ” I have a Dream. ” But positive change came. As slow and painful as it was, change came and wrongs were righted. Indeed, America has ALWAYS moved to right wrongs and help those in need from desegregation, to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

As I mentioned earlier, 100 years passed and here we are. We have allowed our children to be indoctrinated in grade school, high school and colleges. More than 95% of educators are liberal democrats.  The text books are written by liberals.  In classrooms and on campuses across this country, students can’t even dare to speak if they are conservatives! Conservative speakers are banned from campuses and those who aren’t banned are attacked and physically threatened! Such is the state of indoctrination…that used to be education!

We Now live in a country where we can’t say certain words or can only refer to them with their first letters like the “N word.” We live in a country NOT of Martin Luther King’s dream, but of George Orwell’s nightmare! Why? The left/democrat party/progressives won! They got what they wanted. They started small with a burning ember which grew into a bonfire and then an all engulfing firestorm devouring and destroying everything it touches.

The left has created a nation where free speech is gone, or at the very least practiced at your own peril. A nation where you can be beaten and murdered and have your private property destroyed because of your words, thoughts or skin color. You can lose your job because of your political views. You can be refused service at public establishments for your skin color and political views! If you see a monument, plaque or statue or display you disagree with, you can feel free to knock it over, deface or destroy it, burn it or anything else you’d like with no fear of retribution, jail or prosection. We live in a nation where cities are partially defunding or drastically cutting funds to police departments. In some cases police departments, like that in Minneapolis are being abolished altogether. No it’s not the 1960’s. It’s 2020!

Meanwhile, politicians like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tell us destruction of private property is a GOOD thing! Where mayors of major cities like Seattle allow Marxist mobs to drive out police and physically take over parts of their city ordering police to disarm, stand down and abandon their buildings and the citizens. States like California are repealing legislation guaranteeing color blindness in society where equality is guaranteed regardless of skin color and banning discrimination! Indeed today we live in a nation where the mob always wins and law abiding citizens lose.

The American Flag and everything that this great country stands for is suddenly evil, racist, bigoted and must be destroyed and erased! We here and see over and over, “Black lives matter!” Yes! ALL lives matter! Then today the ” leader” of Black lives matter says “If our demands are not met, we will burn the country down!” Really? This ass clown belongs in jail!

Who gave these animals the authority to destroy MY history? They are nothing but a pack of animals! They are destroying, simply just to destroy! They are even destroying statues of people who helped free slaves, helped end slavery, abolitionists, Lincoln even Union Soldiers!

We have had a number of police involved shootings over the past several years. Sadly, some were actually justified and  the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” is simply an invention of the ANTIFA/BLM Mobs. Indeed, eyewitnesses proved the opposite was true in addition to a detailed investigation by a Black President’s Justice Department led by a Black U.S. Attorney General, with a lead Black Investigator! But the mob still burned down their own neighborhood in Ferguson, Missouri.

The next tragic incident was the death of Mr George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Quite simply, he was choked to death by a White Officer, while other White Officers looked on and did nothing to save Mr Floyd! There was universal disgust and universal condemnation on the left and the right. EVERYONE agreed this was nothing short of murder and couldn’t be tolerated! Demonstrations in Minneapolis began which were ubderstandable. The demonstrators wanted justice for Mr Floyd. Unfortunately, the demonstrations almost immediately turned violent with businesses being burned as well as a police station. Many people were injured and a few more were killed. Then, it seemed as though finally, one of these cases would turn out right and the officers were all charged. This time the charges were severe and would stick. So justice would be served and the protesters could go home. WRONG! If you thought that would be thinking logically and generally where mobs are concerned, logic goes out the window.

The officers were all charged with serious crimes ranging from: manslaughter to murder 1. So that’s it. Right? No! Of course not! For a week, protesters burned the city of Minneapolis! They burned down an Auto Zone, a Post Office and several other buildings , INCLUDING a police station! Like the mayor in Seattle, the mayor ordered the police to surrender the station and pull back because it wouldn’t look good! Are you kidding me!?!?

Meanwhile, BLM & ANTIFA  Groups in other cities began to activate and destroy their cities. In particular, Seattle; but many cities saw and are currently seeing what has been transformed from peaceful demonstrations as outside in the Constitution to RIOTING; plain and simple! Then, a”warlord” decided to throw the police out of the Capitol Hill District of Seattle and declare a six block square area as CHAZ, or the (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). No cops, no government, just anarchy. The best part is that the mayor approved it and the governor ignored it! Meanwhile, ordinary people who were unlucky enough to have homes and/or businesses in CHAZ were trapped! There were beatings, robberies, rapes and murders and the mayor wouldn’t allow police in! Then the Marxists changed the name from CHAZ to CHOP (Capitol hill Occupied Protest).  FInally, the mayor had enough and ordered this disastrous, failed, Marxist Experiment to be ended and dismantled.

Meanwhile, rioters attempted to penetrate the White House Grounds and set up an “occupy” NYC at city hall. Bands of Marxists pop up all over the country destroying  priceless, historical markers, statues and memorials because quite simply, “they dont like them!” Mayors and governors of ” Blue” states and cities do nothing. NOTHING! The mayor of Washington, DC authorizes “Black Lives Matter” painted in Pennsylvania Avenue, with giant yellow lettets! When two conservatives attempted to paint over it, THEY were arrested! Meanwhile, in NYC, Comrade DeBlasio allows BLM to be spelled out and painted on the street in front of Trump Tower!

America is in trouble. Yet, the Democrat Party is running a racist puppet who wants to “change America.” Obongo said the same thing when he pledged to ” fundamentally transform” America and you see what HE delivered! Moreover, Obongo/Biden had 8 years to reform police and deal with race relations. They made it worse! Now Biden is the Democrat Candidate? A man who boasted that his state, Delaware was a slave state! A man who said desegregation would force his kids to go to school in “the jungle!” A man who FOUGHT desegregation and bussing plans! A man who said you have to have a slight Indian Accent to work at Dunkin Donuts! 

Remember, it was a Democrat, Bull Conner, who used fire hoses and police dogs to attack peaceful protesters, George Wallace who stood in the doorway of the school to stop Blacks from entering, over 100 Democrat Lawmakers voted AGAIN the 1964 Civil Rights Act,  Al Gore’s father filibustered the bill! Robert Byrd who was at one time, the LEADER OF THE KKK and J William Fulbright…ALL DEMOCRATS! Bill Clinton called Fulbright his mentor! Will he have to apologize now?  Meanwhile, modern Democrats lined up to shower Robert Byrd with praise and accolades even making him Senate Majority Leader and he was the national leader of the KKK! Hillary Clinton called this racist piece of shit the * “Heart & soul of the US Senate!”  Cryin’ Chucky Schumer called Robert KKK Byrd one of the greatest men in history! SCumbag, clueless, nitwit Nancy ” Ice cream” Pelosi called Byrd a great American Patriot! Sleepy Joe Biden called Byrd, the Dean of the Senate, a close friend and mentor of mine! Can you imagine if President Trump or ANY Republican said this or anything close about a former KKK Leader? The democrat party was and is a party of racists and total, complete, abject hypocritical, failures! And they support BLM & ANTIFA!

I know this has been rambling and long winded. But how did we get to a place in the freest, most open country in the world; a country that is constantly righting wrongs, where we can simply look at a statue and say “Im offended by that statue, so Im gonna rip it down and throw it in the river?

I could go on, but why bother? Over this past weekend, 5 children were killed. They were all Black and were all killed by BLM! Chicago looked like America’s largest outdoor shooting range and shootings DOUBLED in NYC! Every Democrat City is a shooting gallery and small, Black, 7 & 8 year old children are being murdered by Black lives Matter! Mayors are in bed with these animals! The policies of the left & Democrat Cities have failed and the cities are crumbling! CRUMBLING! Blacks are murdering other Blacks everywhere because of the liberal cancer that has been eating away our large, beautiful cities! But the mainstream media and the Democrats don’t want to talk about all of these murders or even acknowledge them, because it goes against their narrative! This is nothing new. Chicago, for example, has been a shooting gallery for years and has the strictest gun laws in the country! Barry Obongo and Sleepy Joe did NOTHING! They and BLM and ANTIFA only care about certain kinds of killings. You see, if 50 Blacks kill 50 more Blacks, hey that’s just Saturday Night and they ignore them. They’re only concerned when race enters the shooting, ie…like a White shooting a Black or mmmmm…. a White Cop shooting a Black! Now THOSE Black lives matter because that’s racist! The hypocrisy is staggering! Just unbelievable!

Now were at the point where EVERYTHING is racist! Over the Fourth of July Holiday last week, instead of celebtrating America, BLM, ANTIFA and their Democrat enablers had shows on MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the lamestream media spent hour after hour denigrating and slurring the United States almost as if slavery existed today! They told us how racist the Fourth of July Holiday is! Not only that, they told us the flag itself was racist and divisive! Not the Confederate Flag, but Stars & Stripes! They told us President Trump was a racist and the backdrop of the national independence Day Celebration, Mount Rushmore was nothing more than a racist memorial and one day soon will be dynamited, not only because IT is a racist symbol, but also, because its creator was a racist! BLM & ANTIFA would have us believe almost EVERYTHING IS RACIST! EVERYTHING! Even music is now racist! They say classic songs like  “White Christmas,” are racist! WHITE CHRISTMAS! They have even decided that Beetoven was Black, and that fact was covered up by White Europeans!

In summary, America is not perfect. No country is. no people are. But America is ALWAYS striving to be better and is always moving forward. America has tried to right the wrongs of slavery and racism and has made great strides.  Still, there is a constant, blistering attack on the very fabric of America itself! Our government, our traditions, our history; BLM and the Marxist ANTIFA are attacking America from every direction and every angle! They despise capitalism and freedom and vow to tear down the greatest country in the world with lies and fake news. The way things are going, soon, EVERYTHING will be racist! The left has even decided that certain food and beverages are racist! We may be called on to exercise our Second Amendment Rights. We; you and I may have to protect our families and ourselves since police forces are having budgets cut, being defunded and shut down!  America is burning and the left is dumping gasoline on the flames. The bad guys aren’t the ones going to the Mount Rushmore Celebration! The bad guys are the ones killing small children in our cities! Who knows, one day soon, they may be coming for you!

Where The Hell Is My Tag?

Posted: June 29, 2020 in politics

tagIt’s a simple thing really.  An inexpensive one or two inch square of fabric sewn to the inside back of the collar with all sorts of important and interesting information stitched or printed on it.  These ubiquitous little tags were everywhere! For guys, tags were on the inside back waistband. They were also on the inside of the back collar of our t-shirts. No one ever gave them much thought. They contained information like:  Wash instructions, dryer instructions, size and of course, the brand. These innocent little tags never hurt anyone and played an important role in our lives.  Then one day, Michael Jordan and Jackie Chan informed us that tags were evil and they were going to be removed! Who the Hell were they to make such a decision??? Who told them MY tags were evil and needed to be removed?

Well let me tell you! They took our tags. So I stopped buying Hanes! But it got worse! Other brands; GOOD but an and like Fruit of The Loom went tagless! No! It can’t be! What’s wrong with these companies and WHY are perfect buying them? Before long, they were gone.  Every manufacturer had done away with tags!. I always had tags.  I had grown up with tags. They were part of the very fabric of my life!They were on my tighty whitey’s, my t-sshirts, my sweatshirts, sweat pants, team jerseys! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!

Yet one more example of how business really dictates everything; from fashions to food.  Ultimately are told what to wear and what to eat. What foods and fashions are in and which are out. From bell bottoms, to soy latte’s, nearly everything is “suggested” to us . Of course those “suggestions” seem to turn into trends, then everyone wearing and eating those things. I always had tags.  I had grown up with tags. They were part of the very fabric of my life.

Now I’m 54 and I MISS my tags! It’s not just nostalgia. It’s practicality. It’s being truly pragmatic. Look at your t-shirts and underwear that are a few years old. In place of the tag, they have some information printed on the inside waistband or collar. Well, USED to be printed. In a very short time, the printing fades and then simply disappears. Tags can be replaced. They are independent of the garment! Plus, once the printing fades away, you can’t tell (with t-shirts) the front from the back when putting them on! I can’t tell you how many times I put on a t-shirt only to realize it doesn’t feel right.

I take it off and look at the inside back collar SQUINTING to find printing and realize yes, my shirt was on backwards. That can’t happen when there’s a tag on a “T.” Likewise , grabbing a pair of underwear to put them on, first thing in the morning or in the dark is simple when you can just see or feel for the tag. Not so with printing that has washed out.

PLease, please bring back my tags! The only time I can get a tag on a t-shirt is when I order an expensive shirt on line like a custom printed T. For example, my Superman T is a premium, heavyweight, preshrunk,  100% cotton T. Then I chose the logo. IT HAS A TAG! Yet the average T in the store, for sale to the masses does not! So clearly it is simply a matter of price and profit. Now I ask you. How much could it POSSIBLY cost to put the tag back on my T or underwear? Pkease! I beg of you! Put the tags back on my T ‘s and underwear!!!







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Having been born in 1966, I am what “they” whoever “they” are has labeled part of “Generation X.” I’m not sure exactly what that’s supposed to mean other than labelling me.  In any case, I look around at this America WE have created or should I say have allowed to evolve and I wonder just how the Hell this happened.

I’m 53 years old going on 8.  After all, they say your only as old as you feel right?  Well, mentally, I am a solid  8 year old.  Thanks to a drunk driver and an 88 year old man, I have the body of an 80 year old and am permanently disabled.  Before my disability, I was climbing the corporate ladder, master’s degree in hand, big dollar salary, about to be promoted.  So I sit back and watch with a particular point of view.

Teenagers behave like they’re in their 20’s.  Teenage girls dress like they’re in their 20’s.  Parents don’t seem to parent anymore and kids don’t seem to have any respect or need for parents anymore.  At the same tine, schools behave more like parents and bed & breakfasts while churches seem non-existent except for the occasional pedophilia scandal. 

As a kid living in Detroit in a housing development, we had what we called a “little playground” about 2 blocks away and a “big playground about 4 blocks away.  We were allowed to walk.  We went, we played and had a ball and there wasn’t a parent in sight.  Now, playgrounds have become padded, cushioned safety zones where parents outnumber kids and plot and scheme about how to outdo one another and quibble about which pre-schools are the best and which track their three year olds will take to get them into the best schools!

Every person i know who is my age has scars on their elbows, scars on their knees and usually scars on their chin.  It was part of learning and we wore them like a badge of honor.  It was how we learned to be careful and what we could and couldn’t do.  We fell off the swings, which most playground operators have decided are too dangerous.  Maybe we fell off the monkey bars or went down the sliding board the wrong way.  Hell, I fell and busted my chin on the railroad tracks and when I ran home, bleeding, holding my chin got in trouble for being near the railroad tracks!  No stitches, no emergency room.  Clean it up, patch it up and go back outside!  Outside until the street lights came on.

Youth centers are gone.  It’s no longer possible to be a Boy Scout, only, a “Scout.”  After all, being a Boy Scout is sexist, chauvinistic and misogynistic and very, very, VERY non-inclusive! Yet you CAN still be a Girl Scout; however, because somehow that is not non-inclusive or sexist in any way. Men don’t dare call a waitress sweetheart , while waitresses can call men honey or sweetie.

Kids don’t play outside because their parents fear some psycho will kidnap them, kill them and chop them into little pieces; or they prefer gluing themselves in front of a television or computer screen playing video games getting fat, lazy and withdrawn.  They don’t ride their bikes anywhere if they even have a bike but rather have mom or dad chauffeur them around town.

I spent my youth either involved in sports or with a B*B gun and/or a pellet rifle exploring and shooting along the river or on a nearby mountain or in the remains of an abandoned coal mine and colliery. We explored, we looked, observed and we learned about our world; and we ALL carried a pocket knife.  I ALWAYS had my Swiss Army Knife in my pocket, even in school.  No one gave it a second thought.

Today a kid with a B*B gun or pellet rifle is CLEARLY up to no good and should probably be in the juvenile system; and kids who carry knives are little sociopaths!  If they dare, even accidentally take a pocket knife to school they are suspended because of some zero tolerance rule. 

Kids get trophies whether they win or lose.  Wouldn’t want to damage their fragile self esteem, even though since the day they were born they have been told they are God’s special little gift to the world.  Win, lose or draw, suddenly it’s become all about the participation!  If you win you get an award!  If you lose you get an award!  If you tie you get an award!  Then these kids wonder why they can’t function in the real world where there really ARE winners and losers!

They can’t understand why they can’t get a six figure salary fresh out of college with no experience!  We’ve actually gotten to the point not just where parents are doing their kids’ college assignments and writing their papers but in some cases are actually going with their children on job interviews!

Christmas Break has become Winter Vacation.  Easter Break has become Spring Vacation.  You can’t say the Lord’s Prayer, but you can pray to Allah.  You no longer pledge allegiance to the flag or even have to stand for the National Anthem and you are FORBIDDEN to pray to God outloud or in a group before a sporting event!  But if you are a boy and you “feel” like a girl, you can use the girls bathroom and the girls locker room and shower with the girls!  After all, we MUST be tolerant and understanding and if the next day you feel like a boy again, well that’s fine too!  Who are we to judge?  At least thats what we’re told.  Guys like me from the old school always figured if you had a cock and a scrotum containing 2 balls you were a man.  Likewise if you had a love taco… You know, a pussy, a vagina, you were a girl.  WRONG!

Now guys like me… You know, the dinosaurs and ogres who have kept this country going for the past thirty years now must have it pounded into our thick, brutish, primitive and narrow minded Neanderthal Skulls that there aren’t just 2 genders!  No, there is gender fluidity and furthermore, gender is a wide ranging scale of many, many, many genders, any of which haven’t even yet been discovered!  Of course this also hand in hand with the ever important personal pronoun.  You know, he, she, we, they?  In fact in some countries like Canada and the UK, calling someone by a personal pronoun other than what they call themselves is a crime and is punishable by law!

No longer can you see a person in a skirt with long flowing hair, feminine jewelry, etc… and call that person she or her. HOW DARE YOU ASSUME! This person could be any of DOZENS of genders and described by dozens of pronouns as outlined at  better kbown as the online LGBTQ Pkus Resource Center.  Of course you’re supposed to know this!

We live in a world today where we have murdered mor than 60,000,000 Americans just because, thanks to a non-existent right that a bunch of demi-gods read into the US Constitution allowing the murder of unborn babies.  Hell, in New York you can now murder them even after they have been born and a “Catholic” Governor celebrated this legislation as he signed it into law.  So we invent the right to abortion which comes from the invented “right to privacy,” meanwhile, we restrict in every way possible a God-Given right to posess a firearm as clearly outlined in the Second Amendment.

Kids can’t add, subtract or do basic division.  Not only can they not balance a checkbook but many don’t even know what a checkbook is or how it even works.  Many read several grade levels below where they should and writing and critical thinking skills are non-existent!  Instead, they are taught multi-culturalism, anger management skills, and are indoctrinated in the evils of climate change.

When they get to college, they borrow tens of thousands of dollars in student loans which they will NEVER be able to pay back because they take up majors like “Womens Studies,” ” Feminist Art History, ” Theme Park Engineering, Professional Nannying, and “Pop Culture!”  Yes, at Bowling Green University, you can major in “Pop Culture!”. Where the Hell do you get a job with THAT degree?

How did it get like this?  Somewhere in the mid-nineties all of this insanity began to sprout and over the decades it has grown to the point where we now end ourselves.  A nation of imbecilic, metro-sexual men who can’t even drive a nail to hang a picture are under constant attack by the left and feminists in general for what they call “toxic masculinity.”

Men are the constant butt of jokes in magazines and on television and are portrayed as ignorant , brutish, dumb buffoons who are clearly too stupid to be in charge of anything.  Women run the homes, women drive the cars, Hell, in a Ford Commercial a woman and her daughter drive the SUV up the mountain, cut down the Christmas… Whoops, Holiday Tree, throw it up on the roof, tie it down and drive away. There’s not even a man or husband in the picture. That used to be something a father and son did.  Now it seems like showing a father and son is taboo!  It’s sexist somehow!

Don’t even get me started on the internet and social media and the scourge of the cell phone.  How many times do you walk into a room and find a dozen people all with their heads down looking at some electronic device as though it’s the most important thing in the world?  Asva society we don’t talk, laugh, discuss, brainsorn or really even communicate with one another any more! Instead, we text!

You see these kids working as cashiers or in customer service positions and they don’t understand body language or facial expressions or in many cases  how to actually talk and carry on a conversation because all they do is test, text, text!  Of course it goes without saying they can’t make change!

Their very LIVES are on the internet on Instagram or Facebook or some other platform where they communicate with each other down to the point of sharing intimate photos!  Of course they also use social media to bully and destroy people who don’t quite fit in, sometimes pushing them to actual suicide!

When we we kids on Friday night we went to the football game, then all got together at one of the local hangouts with our girlfriend or boyfriend.  Sometimes we had plans from there and we ALWAYS had a good time!  Amazingly enough, there were no cell phones, tablets or internet and got along just fine, thank you.

Finally, there are gays, lesbians and God knows what else, EVERYWHERE!  Ok. Fine; but it seems that’s not enough.  It’s not enough we see them on tv, in movies, in commercials, but we need internalize this and like it!  We must embrace the LGBTQRSTUV whatever community and lifestyle!  We must embrace it, defend it love it and make believe it’s normal!  If we don’t, there’s something wrong with us!

You see, if you’re Catholic and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  If you’re Baptist and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  If you’re Muslim and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  You see, the fact that you’re religious alone is proof that you’re an idiot, undeserving of any consideration!  You’re an obvious whack job who believes in something ridiculous like the Bible or Koran and actually worships and believes in something greater than yourself!

I could write a book on all of this madness, but this was just supposed to be another blog post.  I guess this is what happens when a society and a nation becomes to fat, lazy and wealthy and stops caring about the things that made them great.  You know sometimes you hear people talk about “the good old days” and when you look at their frame of reference, those days weren’t so good.  When I say it, I’m talking about the greatest decade of all to be a teenager:  the 80’s and guess what?  Things really were better then! Just sayin!’

colt-ar15_1The United States Constitution has been for over 230 years, and continues to be a singularly unique document and framework. It is not a document of positive rights but of negative guarantees!  The Constitution gives NOTHING to ANYONE.  It simply reaffirms our God given rights and confirms that our rights are natural and are guaranteed and protected by government; not GIVEN by government. Rights are given by monarchs. Rights are protected by republics.  More importantly, it tells the government what it may NOT do!  It outlines a system whereby government is created and functions with the consent of the governed.

THAT’S something I have found EXTREMELY distressing listening to the democrat presidential candidates. Oh yeah, they’re making their usual socialist, welfare giveaway promises like: free college, free housing, etc…none of which would never pass or become law. That nonsense is just noise. What worries me is what these buffoons are actually saying.

If you listen…I mean really listen to these Marxst, totalitarian wannabes, you will learn what their REAL PLANS are…what they plan to TAKE AWAY from you and me.

If you listen to those intellectual geniuses…true political titans who will go down in history with the likes of Madison and Adams and Jefferson like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, you begin to understand their twisted vision and plan for America.  Their hero, Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama vowed to “fundamentally tranform” America. He started the job.  They would like to complete it. 

In the meantime, a modicum of grass roots sanity took over and America elected Donald J. Trump 45th president.  Remarkably, even before he was innaugurated, the looney left was vowing to impeach him!  They tried to steal the 2016 presidential election by involving an ex- British Secret Service Agent and the Russian Gvernment, then tried to spin it and blame the president, all so Hillary Rodham Clinton could be crowned “Queen;” oops, I mean president. After all, she earned it; or so the left believed.  They contended ridiculously it was “her turn.”

As I said earlier, the democrats, aside from their usual, delusional grab bag of freebies and giveaways this time around have discovered a new found sense of courage and bravery and suddenly it’s cool to be a socialist …or at least if you’re left of center and hate America.

As such, they have promised, through their laughingly, ludicrous legislative outline “The Green New Deal,” to do something the United States Government has never done before :  Take things away from average, ordinary, everyday Americans. Citizens who have done nothing wrong, committed no crime, made no threats against anyone, either physically or verbally.  But these Americans have a problem.  They are tradditional, God Fearing Americans and that’s simply got to come to an end.  Progressives need progress and the average American is centrist and conservative and by their very nature are resistant to change.

By the way, the saying “Change is good,” is assinine! Change is good, and beneficial ONLY when it is needed and brings about a positive outcome As we saw with the Obongo Administration, change is NOT good for the sake of change and now we have dumocrats vowing, indeed PROMISING to take away a multitude of things in the name of change!

Kamala Harris has promised to take away your doctor. She has promised to take away your health insurance. Dumocrats have promised to take away private pensions and 401k’s.  AOC ‘s “Green New Deal” and all of its supporters have promised to take away: Your house, your car, your motorcycle, your lawn mower, your weedeater, your gas grill, furnace, your garage and many of your jobs, They even want to take away our pork, your chicken, and yes, your steaks and most of all, your hamburgers! 

In fact they want to take away all meat; because after all, meat’s not healthy, but moreover, meat contributes to the dreaded scourge of “climate change!”  Take, take, take! It seems to be the centerpiece of the dumcrats’ plans for you and me.

 With all of this “taking” going on, perhaps the worst promise to take something away from the average American comes from the latest clown to jump out of the dumocrat clown car, ie… Robert Francis “Beto” O’Roarke.  This skateboard riding, table hopping imbecile has promised to go door to door and TAKE Americans’ guns away!  Of course, not him personally.  He knows he’d be shot.  That’s for the hated police.  Who cares if they get shot? Kill two birds with one stone!  Confiscate guns and kill cops!  To the left that’s a win-win! That’s the lefty attitude!

Yes, he’s going to take away your “assault weapons.”  The only problem is that assault weapons are already llegal!  He and the rest of the ignorant , uninformed left call the AR-15 an assault rifle.  It’s not.  It’s a semi-automatic rifle that LOOKS like its cousin, the M-16, which IS an assault rifle, capable of fully automatic fire and three round burst.  The AR-15 is the same rifle your father and grandfather used, except theirs were made out of fancy, nicely carved, beautifully crafted hardwood and steel. This one is made out of plastic and steel.  Same bullets, same action, same gun, different look.

The leftys say the AR-15 looks menacing and deadly! It is.  ALL guns are deadly, but looks don’t kill!  A fact that doesn’t matter in the slightest to the left.  The fact that the vast majority of shootings (over 96%) are by handguns doesn’t matter either.  Yes, liberals hate the dreaded AR-15, the “un-assault” rifle!  But fear not.  It would be a mere segway to total gun confiscation.

So, this leads to the obvious question:  What if the average, law abiding gun owner answers the door and tells the sheriff or the police he is not interested in surrendering his legal, very expensive, semi-automatic rifles?  Let’s say he tells them, as is his right, to get off his property?  Since authority figures generally are ignorant of civil rights and the very Constitution they swore an oath to, they generally don’t like to be told to piss off!  Indeed, they usually become violent, aggressive and downright mean!

If he’s like most law enforcement officers, he will threaten the citizen with arrest, which would be illegal, because of a little thing called the Second Amendment.  Let’s say the citizen resists?  Now we have a scuffle.  Let’s say the citizen beats the cop’s ass.  He will resort to a taser or a sidearm.  As soon as he goes for that, the citizen will pull his sidearm and shoot the officer.  Meanwhile his partner will shoot the citizen.

The aftermath?  A dead policeman and a dead citizen.  A citizen who was killed defending his God-given right to keep and bear arms and a cop who was killed attempting to enforce a clearly illegal order.  So in order to reduce, or even end gun violence, the left’s answer is gun violence, or the threat of gun violence or both.

Remember, these geniuses on the left are the imbeciles, lecturing us about gun violence.  Yet, they seemingly have no problem using gun violence against law abiding citizens who refuse to surrender their expensive, legally obtained private property and their Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.  Kill in order to stop killing?

We can call this a lot of things:  lies, hypocrisy, totalitarianism, you name it.  In the end, when it comes to the left, it’s about one thing and one thing alone:  Naked, all encompassing, POWER.  So I’ll ask the question.  In a government which only exists and functions with the consent of the governed, what happens when the governed no longer consent?


Unfortunately, the public schools in America are far too busy indoctrinating young minds with classes like: “Multiculturalism,” “Anger Management,” and “Toxic Masculinity,” to focus on things like civics, politics and government which is why so many American Students cannot recite he Bill of Rights….something I had to memorize in the sixth grade.  They don’t understand the differences between liberal and conservative.  They don’t understand the concept of federalism, nor do they understand the way bills are made or become law.  They have no basic understanding of the way their own government works. Indeed, most cannot even name their senator or representative, let alone, name the states or their capitols or cabinet members.

They also don’t understand our electoral system in any way, shape or form! It was bad enough after Hillary Clinton lost in an electoral landslide to President Trump. But they’re STILL complaining! They don’t understand what the electoral college is, how it works, who the electors are, or that they vote for them! No, no, no, they just want the end of the electoral college and popular vote only.

They have no idea who the Founders were and when they are touched upon, they are referred to by leftist “teachers” as a group of rich, old, White men who owned slaves.So I’m sitting here on a chilly Pennsylvania Evening watching Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel.  Never fails. Tucker is fearless. He loves having had left dystopian imbeciles on his program and always carries on a civil discussion. God help me, sometimes I don’t know how he does it. Anyway, he had another lefty, nutjob who is completely ignorant of the way our electoral system works; who only wanted to talk about the popular vote and how Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million votes. Wonderful. except, that’s not the way our system works.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The United States f America is NOT a democracy!!!  Never was! Never will be!  I am frequently infuriated even by elected officials who talk about our American “Democracy.”  AAARRGGGHHH!!!!!  Wake up!  Haven’t you got a clue?!?!?!  The united States is a Constitutional Republic; NOT a democracy!

American Citizens who are eligible to vote, elect representatives to the U.S. House of Representatives and Senators to the U.S. Senate.  Not that long ago, senators were chosen by state legislatures,  rather than by popular vote, but in 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment provided for direct popular election of senators.  Each state is allotted a number of representatives in districts based on that state’s population.  As a result, states with larger population have many representatives while states with small population like Montana have few.  In order to balance this, the Founders created our bicameral legislature.  To balance large and small populations and representation, every state get two senators, regardless of size or population.

Those members of the House and Senate, collectively called the Congress, are supposed to do the bidding of the citizens who elect them. That’s why redistricting and congressional elections are so important.  The number of senators always remains constant; however, if a state gains population it gains representatives in the U.S. House.  Likewise, if a state loses population, it also loses congressional districts and representatives.  This has become most apparent in rust belt states like mine, where we have steadily been losing representatives in the U.S. House as people leave our state and head south and west.  The upcoming election in November may be the most important midterm, congressional election of my lifetime.

Likewise, electors are assigned to the states in a somewhat similar fashion. Though states with larger population have more electors, there is a simple formula used to assigned electors to each state.   Electors are allocated in a number equal to the states senators(always 2) plus the number of it’s representatives (which changes based on population determined by the U.S. Census). As a result, many rust belt states have been losing representatives in the U.S. House over the past decades while southern and western states have been gaining. Ok. Now we learned that boys and girls.

Next, electors are placed on the ballot and elected by popular vote.(Nebraska and Maine use different systems from the other states) Those electors promise to vote for the candidate candidate who wins the popular vote in their state when they meet together in their respective states on the first Monday after the  second Wednesday in December, after the presidential election.  They cast their ballots for the candidate who won their state’s popular vote and actually “vote” for the President of the United States.

When you are voting in the presidential election every four years, you are voting for electors, also sometimes called delegates.  The candidate who gets the highest popular vote total in a state wins all of that states electors. It’s called “winner take all,” (Nebraska and Maine are different.) So the popular vote DOES play a role, although it is not DIRECT popular vote. THAT is how we elected the president in the United States.  This system is brilliant! It was brilliant over two hundred years ago and is still brilliant today! It was created specifically to thwart what Alexander Hamilton called the “Tyranny of the majority.”  Perhaps a better term is quite simply, mob rule.  The majority is not always right and in fact in many cases the majority is wrong!

Thus, the electoral college,  If the United States were to simply abolish the electoral college and implement direct, popular election; we could simply start removing stars from the flag because instantly, the votes of the citizens of most of the United States would simply no longer count and our entire system of government would collapse. Why? Quite simply, candidates would have to campaign only in very populous states like:  California, New York, Florida, Texas, Illinois and Pennsylvania.  These states have the majority of the population of the country and added together, the popular votes of the rest of the states are relatively insignificant.

So candidates would not campaign in them, or spend money in them or even care how they voted because of the candidate won just a few of the high population states they would win the election.  Thus, essentially the rest of the country would be disenfranchised. Their votes would be meaningless.  Scenarios could develop where the people of just three or four states could elect the president, regardless of what the other forty six states wanted or how they voted.  Thus, the tyranny of the majority and mob rule.  The United States could very quickly become a one party country.

This isn’t fair. It is not morally or ethically justifiable and it is in no way, indicative of a representative government.  It would be one party rule.  I don’t want California, or New York or my state of Pennsylvania choosing the president.  He is not the governor or a few states.  He is the President of the United States….ALL FIFTY of them!  So the next time some ignorant, imbecile starts arguing for the totalitarian dictatorship which would sooner or later result from direct, popular election of the president, you will know where they really stand and just how much they love freedom.  Then ask them which states should have their stars taken off the flag?  Because after all, if only a handful of states are going to matter, we certainly don’t need fifty any more.  Just sayin’.

Now It’s A Mob

Posted: October 12, 2018 in politics

supreme_court_kavanaugh_69526_c0-204-3000-1953_s885x516Mob.  The dictionary defines a mob as:  A disorderly or riotous crowd of people bent on or engaged in lawless violence.  Meet the democrat party and the American Left. They’re now officially a mob.  It started the day President Donald J. Trump was sworn in as President of the United States.  From the disgusting, sexually suggestive hats on protesters, to Madonna talking about blowing up the White House and Johnny Depp talking about actors killing presidents.  The disgusting, lawless, threatening demonstrations all over the country.  The “Metoo” movement which started as a positive movement for female victims of sexual abuse to come forward and finally seek justice was hijacked by the democrat left and mutated into a rabid, anti-man movement where college professors openly Tweet that men should be killed and castrated.  College professors!  Where masculinity is looked at and regarded as toxic and colleges even teach course on how men can rid themselves of toxic masculinity!

The democrat left has become the group that attacks innocent people just trying to go to work by blocking roads and damaging their cars as they take over intersections in cities like Portland Oregon and Seattle.  They entered the halls of Senate and scream, yelled, pushed and disrupted the Justice Kavanaugh Hearings. They tried to force their way into Senate Elevators and tried to physically accost senators.  Jammed the hearing rooms and disrupted proceedings!  They invented lies and smears, lied under oath and made people perjure themselves to try and derail the Kavanaugh Nomination!

IMMEDIATELY after President Trump announced Kavanaugh’s nomination for Supreme Court Justice, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi both said “They would do everything in their powers to block his nomination!”  They knew nothing about him!  Had never met him!  Hadn’t asked him a single question!  But thy made it clear they were going to try and stop his nomination!  But it went further. When they realized his nomination was all but certain, advise and consent morphed into search and destroy and the left wing democrat smear machine kicked into high gear. If they couldn’t block him, they would simply destroy him and if his family was collateral damage…oh well!

Yet when Justices Sotomayor and Kagan were up for confirmation, they were  approved with huge republican support despite their left wing bent after being nominated by Obama. Why? Because the republicans and the right don’t attack nominees personally, but take the advise and consent role seriously and actually look at judicial qualifications and past judicial rightings and opinions.  Because republicans and the right believe as the Constitution spells out that a president has the right to nominate HIS choices.  Because as Barack Obama said, “Elections have consequences.”

They fought, they smeared, they delayed, they lied, they invented, the obfuscated and finally Judge Kavanaugh became Justice Kavanaugh.  So it stopped right? Wrong!  The left wing democrat mobs that had disrupted the hearings, jammed senate buildings and screamed and yelled like lunatics now moved to the US Supreme Court Building and while Justice Kavanaugh was being sworn in, they physically pushed their way into the building and to the very room in which he was being sworn in and began banging and pounding and clawing….CLAWING AT THE DOOR TO GET IN!  Like a third world riot! I wonder what they would have done if they were able to breach the heavy wooden doors?  They quite simply acted like barbaric animals.  ANIMALS!

Does ANYONE On The American Left EVER Look In The Mirror? Do they EVER stop and question what they’re saying? What they stand for? What they are demonstrating about? Or even why? My guess to all of these questions is probably a resounding, “No.”  I say that because there are plenty of well educated, intelligent and thoughtful people on the left in this country. I learned a long time ago that every now and again, it’s good to question yourself and your own beliefs to keep yourself centered and either solidify or modify your views and beliefs. It’s not about self-doubt. It’s about understanding what you believe and why. As I said, those on the left have the same mental capacity as those on the right. So why the enormous chasm between their positions on the most basic ideas in society. Moreover, why the change from what used to be fairly centrist positions to so far left they are ready to fall off the planet?tolerant_lib

Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama came out of nowhere and his mission was clear:  to destroy traditional America and traditional American Values. Unfortunately, he found millions of useful idiots ready to be recruited into his army of imbeciles and Obama-Zombies. The Obama Coalition ranged from the politically and historically ignorant, to the lazy, with their hands stretched out looking for government freebies, to young people, devoid of any civic education, to the usual cast of far left lunes including Marxists and communists.

Back at the turn of the twentieth century, the “Progressives” led by Robert LaFollete of Wisconsin championed the “Wisconsin Idea.” Progressives were far to the left of the traditional American Values that had built America and turned it from a weakling backwater nation into a first world economic and military power.  They believed their way was better, though there was no proof. America was built by rugged individualism and self-reliance; so they knew their ideas would be a hard sell and set into motion a one hundred year plan to change America and move it to the left.

A hundred years later they have almost succeeded; though they had plenty of help from traditionalists.  Trust in “the  system” was gradually eroded through the twentieth century with numerous accusations against the U.S. Government and politicians from questions about FDR knowing about Pearl Harbor, LSD experiments on Americans, the CIA and crack cocaine, Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Vietnam War, the IRS Scandal, Fast & Furious, to the 9/11 Whitewash…take your choice. They all add up and each incident did a little more damage to traditional America and made Americans question “the system,” until we finally his the late 2000’s and see the “Occupy” movement and then ANTIFA.  As far as the left is concerned, it is:  Mission Accomplished!

But how? How was the left able to slowly, methodically, systematically transform the United States into a left wing nation?  The plan was truly insidious, but ultimately successful. Step one: infiltrate America’s public schools from elementary education and Kindergarten through middle school and high school and stock them with left wing, democrat teachers who were ideologically driven and overtly biased.

This bias would be passed on to the fertile brains of our young people who were indoctrinated, a la Chairman Mao.  Step two: stack America’s colleges and universities with far left, overtly biased professors and instructors who squash dissent, humiliate deviation from the ideas of the left and finalize the indoctrination.  After the average sixteen or seventeen year education, the system has created good little left  wing lunes who have no use or care for traditional America in any form.

For example, saying something as American and innocuous as “Merry Christmas,” was considered ignorant, rude and insensitive.  On campuses and at schools all over America, Christmas Vacation was replaced with “Winter Break.” Someone better tell Chevy chase! Thanksgiving Vacation was replaced with “Fall Break” because it was no longer taught to a celebration between the Pilgrims and Indians, but rather about the White exploitation of the natives and was to be avoided and definitely NOT celebrated! A man whistling at  woman or saying “You look really pretty today,” is now a “macro-aggression,” and is chauvinistic, sexist, demeaning and in fact is sexual harassment! Men are to be emasculated and castrated according to the far left and even the metro-sexual men on the left agree!

It has gotten so out of hand that the left now believes you can wake up in the morning and “identify” with which ever gender you happen to feel like.  For example, if you’re a man, you can decide on Monday that you “identify” as a woman and as such you MUST be allowed to use the ladies room and girls locker room, while on Friday you may wake up and decide you “identify” as a man and act accordingly! In 2016 this went so far as laws being passed on “gender rights” and “bathroom and locker room” use.  Companies began refusing to do business in places that said only men can use the mens’ room and only women can use the ladies’ room!  America was being turned on its head!

Barack Obama and his silver-back wife did more damage to the United States of America than the Soviet Union and China combined ever did or ever could! Obama destroyed the very fabric of this country and warped the minds of a entire generation of Americans who are lawless, far left animals who believe in Marxism over Capitalism and who know very little of the US Constitution but hate the little they do know and believe it’s nothing more than a piece of trash written by a bunch of privileged, old, rich, White men.  They believe it’s worthless and needs to be disgarded in favor of a new far left order based on equality of outcomes, rather than equal opportunity.

They believe in an America where accusations are enough to convicted and sentence individuals, where the rule of law is replaced by the rule of he mob and the tyranny of the majority, where people are guilty until proven innocent, where members of opposition parties are stalked and attacked in restaurants, theaters, gas stations and stores, where they are picketed at their homes, where their wives and children are given death threats and sent horrific text messages and emails simply for disagreeing with them or working for the opposition!

They have turned America into what resembles a third world cesspool where left wing democrat thugs assault and physically beat down a man who dares to wear a Make America Great Again Hat in public.  IN PUBLIC!  They threaten supreme court nominees and their wives and children with physical violence, rape and murder and even threaten US Senators!  Instead of winning at the ballot box, somehow they believe this will help their cause.  Left wing democrats rip republican yard signs out of the ground, destroy them and even smash windows of private homes.  They attack republicans who are demonstrating for free speech with baseball bats, clubs and tire irons.  Meanwhile, those on the right just keep obeying the laws, playing by the rules and winning at the ballot box which infuriates the left even more!

While Cold Warriors like me and many other toiled to resist the spread of communism all over the world, Obama and the radical left made sure it took root here in our own front yard!  The very thing that we had fought so hard to stamp out was now here at home!  While we were preoccupied with Soviet Nuclear Weapons vaporizing us, the left was reading and implementing Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals here at home!

They have created Alinsky’s chaos and disruption here in America! They attack anyone and everyone who doesn’t agree with their far left, totalitarian, socialist view. From senators, to representatives in Congress, to actors, musicians and even people who dare to put bumper stickers on their cars that are against them; they are vilified, verbally and physically attacked!  A man in Washington recently had his truck torched and burned to the ground because he had two pro-Trump bumper stickers on it. How dare he!  Kanye West has been pilloried and marginalized and totally SMEARED by the left for DARING to support President Trump and meet with him in the White House, wearing a MAGA cap!  Apparently Kanye didn’t get the memo that tells all Black Americans that they must stay on the democrat plantation like good little slaves and keep voting for a party that has promised them the moon and given them nothing!

And what does the mob want?  Right now…TODAY in America, unemployment is at its lowest since 1969. Unemployment among minority groups is at record lows! Unemployment among women is at record lows! We have new trade deals that even the playing field. We are rebuilding our military and reputation around the world! There are four million less people on Food-stamps!

America is becoming great again! o what does the mob/democrat left offer? NOTHING! They have no economic plan, foreign policy plan, military plan…NOTHING! There only plan is RESIST! Well let me tell you something.  Whether or not you like it, President Donald Trump has turned this country around and if you resist that then obviously you hate America and Americans and don’t want a prosperous, successful America.  No, what the mob/democrat left want is power and control!  Because that’s what Alinsky preaches and it’s one of the foundations of socialism: control of the people! No goals! No ideas! No plans! Just resist, resist, resist! Impeach Trump, raise our taxes, cut the military and apologize to the world for American Exceptionalism! This is their plan. How does this help any American?

America is rapidly devolving into a third world country politically because of the mob and that’s what they are…a fucking MOB!  When senators like Corey Booker, aka “Spartacus” and Maxine Watters tell supporters to “Get up in their faces and tell them to get out…they’re not welcome her,” to conservatives, America is finished.  Just remember, as President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  Just sayin’.








Woman turning off light switch

America was founded on debate, discussion, differences of ideas and compromise and consensus.  Left and right have always existed; just as the Yin and the Yang.  Had a vicious, immoral, ignorant imbecile like Maxine Watters been at the Founding, I dare say this country never would have been founded! Instead of coming together to found a new country, her ilk would have further fragmented the group!

She should immediately be censured by Speaker Ryan and the House of Representatives for incitement to violence as a sitting member of Congress.  This degenerate moron may not like it, but the American People via the Electoral College rejected the Democrats! They didn’t want “Crooked Hillary,” nor did they want more of the same. They believed the nation was on the wrong track and as the American People do, they changed the course of the country.  That’s what the American People do every four years.  THEY make a decision:  Sometimes good, sometimes bad…but THEY make the decision.  It’s NOT up to Maxine Watters!!!  What we live in is called a Constitutional Republic and that’s how it works.  Maxine Watters and her far left whack job gaggle of supporters don’t get to decide who is the next president!  Sorry.  Doesn’t work that way!

Nor do we as Americans express our displeasure with political candidates and administrations by threatening their spouses, their children and their personal safety!  We don’t express our disgust by threatening to kidnap children or rape women and lock them up naked in cages!  Unfortunately Maxine Watters and her followers on the radical left along with other ass clowns like Peter Fonda seem to think this is completely fine and acceptable and even necessary! They feel it is THEIR duty to declare a sort of “war” on the Trump Administration; because they simply don’t like Republicans, or conservatives or Trump or anyone tied to him in any way!  Things like this are the precursor to killings, assassinations and death squads, a la third world shit holes like Venezuela, Costa Rice, El Salvador, etc…

Maxine Watters is OPENLY URGING people to “push back,” harass, surround and get in the faces of members of the Trump Administration and any government officials and workers at gas stations, restaurants, supermarkets, anywhere and everywhere they go.  Form a group around them, and shout and scream at them using profanities, etc…  If you own a business and a member of the Trump Administration or a Trump Supporter enters, throw them out, do not serve them and tell them “They are not welcome anywhere anytime” until they stop supporting Trump or leave the administration.  What gives her the right to incite this kind of behavior and conflict and confrontation?  Who the Hell does this lunatic think she is?  Again, whether she likes it or not,Donald Trump won the required votes in the Electoral College and is President of The United States!  Further, for someone Michael Moore, gigantic gas bag has labeled “Satan,” Trump’s popularity right now is higher than Barack Obama’s numbers at the same point in HIS presidency and no one was threatening his staff or cabinet members and their families!

Are we going to have separate restaurants and accommodations for republicans and democrats because democrats don’t want to serve republicans?  Is this where we are headed?  Back to the future?  Not surprising since the democrats are the masters of segregation. It was the democrats who brought America Jim Crow Laws.  It was the democrats who brought America “Separate but equal” which was really separate but unequal.  It was the democrats who brought us poll taxes for Blacks.  It was the democrats who brought us the Ku Klux Klan.  In fact is was one of their so called “legends,” the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia who was actually a Klan Member himself earlier in his life!  It was Byrd and the democrats who fought the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. So they are MASTERS of segregation and treating people differently.

Democrats and the left have a convenient form of amnesia,called HYPOCRISY! It seems to have infected the entire left and every democrat.  It is highly contagious, but fortunately those on the right and republicans have been inoculated and are resistant to this disease.  They speak of women’s rights and act as though they are champions of women and the “Me too Movement” yet for decades they took political donations from and partied with and lived large with Harvey Weinstein…best friend of the Clintons!  They attacked Justice Brett Kavanaugh mercilessly during his confirmation, yet they didn’t peak a work about Senator Dick Blumenthal who stole valor and lied about being in combat in Vietnam! Lying hypocrite!  They seem to have forgotten about their greatest hero, Slick Willy, Bill Clinton who is a racist, a misogynist and a rapist and serial sexual abuser of women!  Not a word about Keith Ellison abusing his wife or Sherrod Brown doing the same!  They only seem to care about conservatives and republicans sexually assaulting women.  That’s FORBIDDEN! But it’s fine for lefty men and democrats to d it.  No problem.

Conveniently, the democrats have somehow changed the narrative and they seem to forget that is was the REPUBLICANS who freed the slavery!  It was the republicans who ended up supplying the votes to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.  It was Republicans who ended separate but equal.  Yet somehow the democrats and the left seem to want to claim the title of protector of minorities.  What they have actually done is create a new form of slavery whereby they have taken poor and minorities and made them dependent on government programs inculcating learned helplessness and generational poverty whereby in some cases generation after generation has never worked, but relies on Welfare, Food Stamps, etc…feeling they are actually “entitled” to these things and supported by left wing demagogues like Maxine Waters who say inflammatory things like “The republicans want to take these programs away from you!” Well….yes! Maybe because it is better all around if you get a job instead of a welfare check.

Maxine Waters is an ignorant, arrogant, lying demagogue who spews hatred, racism and division and is insulated because she is a member of Congress.  She continues to be re-elected by a backward, poor, ignorant electorate from a district she doesn’t even live in and while she resides in regal splendor, they are some of the poorest people in southern California!  Yet her rhetoric continues to guarantee her re-election.  How long does she think it will be before someone is physically injured by some fringe nut job on the left who takes her advice and reads between the lines or someone on the right feels threatened enough to defend himself and uses physical force to protect real or perceived threats against himself or his family? She and those like her on the left will be squarely to blame…SQUARELY!

Cloward & Piven  and Saul Alinsky preached overload, the system, overwhelm it, and create chaos to destroy it by any means.  The left has had many famous followers of Saul Alinsky; most notably Hillary “What Difference Does It Make” Clinton and Barry Soetoro, a.k.a., Barack Hussein Obama.  And while the hypocrites on the left continue preaching love, acceptance and tolerance out of one side of their twisted faces, the other side of their faces spew hatred, division and chaos!  That’s exactly what they’re doing at the Mexican Border right now. They are overwhelming the system in an effort to crash it and making claims like “concentration camps, ICE is kidnapping kids, etc… They are comparing the president to Adolph Hitler! A comparison which is so sickening it really defies a retort.

Perhaps the worst two offender are PMSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezhinski Scarborough.  Both of whom purport to have the moral high-ground, while they were both cheating on their spouses for years until they finally ended their marriages and got together.  THESE TWO believe they have the moral authority to lecture America. Brezhinski, who is a militant feminist and believes in on demand abortion up until the very last second of viability is now the chief protector of children?  Really? She advocates murdering them at all costs even when fully viable and yet cries on set because they are taken away from smugglers and put into clean, comfortable living arrangements with food, clean water, medical care, etc… Give me a fucking break!

In the 1960’s the cowardly rats of the Weather Underground waged a terrorist campaign which they mistakenly believed would catch fire and bring down the U.S. Government. They of course failed miserably and since then the ideas of Cloward & Piven and Alinsky have been largely relegated to the far left working behind the scenes.

That is, until our cowardly, lying, community organizing, Muslim, homosexual, Kenyan President, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama. When this traitor was running for president, he and his tranny wife said “Barack knows he has to change America’s History and Traditions.”  What did people think that meant? Did they really think it as going to be a good thing? How could changing a country’s history and traditions be a GOOD thing? You see the democrats today are NOT your grandfather’s democrats:

They are not “liberals”, they are Marxists.
They want the 10 Planks of communism to rule.
They are brainwashed.
They cannot deal with facts, history, or reality.
They will never reconsider their position.
They believe their delusions are true morality.
They are incapable of “live and let live”.
They are irreconcilable.
They are bent on destroying you.
They are bent on destroying Western Civilization.
They can only be dealt with, one way.

What we watched under the eight years of Obongo was a slow motion, unwinding of America….like a slow motion train wreck and it continued into the Trump Presidency.  You see it’s really quite simple. Trump was not supposed to win. I REPEAT, TRUMP WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN! But he did.  The Deep State pulled out all of the stops to clear “Crooked Hillary” and help her win the election and when she lost, they decided to destroy him and remove him from office.  Case closed.

Liberals got a taste of extreme, left wing power under Obongo. They suffered under Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr and finally got control of EVERYTHING under Obongo, Pelosi and Schumer. Then they lost and they simply CANNOT and WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS FACT.

Let’s just look at a few facts shall we:

  1. Obama authorized the FBI to go after Trump. We know this from text messages
  2. We know that HRC colluded with foreign agents, NOT Trump yet he is being investigated, while she was exonerated of at least half a dozen felonies.
  3. We have members of Congress, ie..Maxine Watters advocating violent, aggressive tactics against conservatives which sooner or later will lead to deaths
  4. We have Liberal groups like ANTIFA running conservatives out of restaurants because of their political affiliation, including cabinet ad agency members.
  5. We now know that the CIA, FBI and DNI were involved in what amounts to s soft coup to remove a duly elected American President.
  6. We now know that the left will stop at nothing to prevent the president from enacting his agenda even if they have to break or stretch the law to do it. One need simply look at what’s being done to Judge Kavanaugh. Delay and character assassination.
  7. Former FBI Director Comey was prosecuting leakers and meanwhile, he himself leaked classified material in order to facilitate the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the president to slow and/or stall the president’s agenda.

These are just some of the overwhelming facts and evidence we have right now, in hand. Of the seven items I listed, we have NEVER, EVER seen anything like this.  The Democrats…the one time supposed CHAMPION of free speech and rights has now gone so far off the rails that all a woman has to do is apparently accuse a man of any misconduct from smoking to winking at her to sexual assault and it is automatically true and MUST be believed or else you are labeled a misogynist, anti-woman or a sexual harasser….EVEN IF THEE IS NO EVIDENCE!

UNLESS of course you happen to b a MALE democrat like Keith Ellison who is accused of spousal abuse and there are police records documenting the abuse, both mental and physical. Or Ohio, democrat Sherrod Brown whose x-wife accused him of physical and mental abuse and it s all documented. Brown says it’s “A family matter.”  Ellison says, “She’s lying.”  So these same democrats who INSIST that ALL WOMEN MUST NOT ONLY BE HEARD, BUT MUST BE BELIEVED neither want to hear nor believe these women!  And of course what about Bill, Slick Willie Clinton? He was a serial abuser and rapist and instead of the democrat left believing all of these women, they were ridiculed, vilified, marginalized and dismissed!  ESPECIALLY by Bill’s wife Hillary!!!! You know, that CHAMPION of women’s rights and the #metoo movement!  Ooops, forgot, she was a big-time pal of Harvey Weinstein and took hundreds of thousands i n campaign contributions from “The Harvmeister.” But, why talk about facts.  The only common thread here is that these three men are all democrats.  So if women accuse democrat men of anything they are liars.  But f they accuse republican men, they MUST be believed and the republican men MUST be guilty.

Apparently the democrat party has abandoned the American Idea of Innocent until proven guilty. No, no. Now it is guilty until proven innocent. No surprise really since that’s the way the Soviet System worked and the democrat party is socialist headed to communism.

As to what’s being done to Judge Kavanaugh, the last time anything like this was done was during the Clarence Thomas nomination.  Strange it’s always the democrats that pull these disgusting stunts at the eleventh hour! Republicans in the senate have done their duty which is simple under the Constitution, “Advise and consent.” Not tear a nominee to shreds and reject them based on ideological grounds. If that were the case the entire Supreme Court would be vacant because neither side would ever confirm the other side’s nominees!

Let’s say President Trump withdraws Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. What do you think the democrats will do to the next nominee? Do you really think they will allow Trump to appoint ANYONE else to the court? Think hard now.

We now live in a country where neighbors attack neighbors just because they are republican and/or support President Trump, where you can be fired from your job for being a republican, thrown out of school, kicked out of a restaurant, refused service, etc… just because you are republican and support the president. My friends we now live in an America where anything conservative is considered hate speech. The democrat party and their far left looney tunes won’t be satisfied until we have a one party state. Like I said, the party is over. Will the last one out please turn off the lights?


Clearly something is wrong in America.  At least something is wrong to roughly fifty percent of the American People.  On the other hand, over the eight years of the Obama Administration, it seemed as though something was wrong as well; but to the other fifty percent of the American People.  Similarly, the same feeling was prevalent with the eight years of the GW Bush Administration and the Clinton Administration; but not the administrations of the  George HW Bush Administration or any before it; at least not until the end.  It seems to have started with President William Jefferson Clinton. Maybe it was George H W Bush saying “They’ll try to get me to raise taxes and I’ll say no. Then they’ll try again ad I’ll say no. Then they’ll try again and I’ll say “Read my lips…no new taxes.”  Then he raised them.

Maybe it was Clinton saying “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” when he did.  Maybe it was the semen on the dress that just happened to be Bill Clinton’s. Maybe it was Clinton attempting to redefine the word “is” when he was asked about the door to the Oval Office being open. Maybe it was the United States Government openly murdering women and children of the Weaver Family at Ruby Ridge.  Maybe it was the murder of dozens of innocent people including mostly women and children for a “gun violation” in Waco Texas by an agency, the ATF which is not even constitutional.  Maybe.

Regardless.  Something happened to the American People and to the government.  Something bad.  Something very, very…very bad.  It led to the rise of American Militia Groups in the 1990’s and one man who had enough and took matters into his own hands and destroyed the federal building in Oklahoma City killing dozens of innocent people in a vain, misguided attempt to strike back at the U.S. Government.  Timothy McVeigh was given the death penalty for his troubles.  Later, we saw the birth of the TEA Party (Taxed Enough Already) in the two thousands;  which was immediately labeled as a right wing “extremist group” by the mainstream media and the American Left.

It led to the election of the “Hope and Change” candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, America’s first Black President who promised to “fundamentally transform” America. Unfortunately, only a few were intelligent enough to realize this meant transforming America into a European-Style democracy; including cradle to grave help from the federal government; starting with socialized medicine; or at least the first step with that being the ultimate goal. Indeed Obama and his extremist wife blurred the lines between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, trashed law enforcement and ridiculed longstanding American Traditions, celebrations and rituals which had been honored for over two hundred years; replacing them with communist Christmas Ornaments on the White House “Holiday Tree,” because Christmas was a bad word and Chairman Mao was a hero.  Obama continued in lighting up the “People’s House,” with rainbow lights to celebrate the LGBTQRSTU…whatever community, while condemning and ridiculing heterosexuals and straight, traditional marriage.

Michelle Obama was right when she said “Barack” wants to change our history and our traditions and values. Really? Is that REALLY what America wanted? Or did they want a good economy with good paying jobs and a solid future? Probably the latter. We were even told that we somehow had a problem if we didn’t allow boys to shower with girls in high school locker rooms and for men who woke up Monday morning and decided they wanted to be a woman today had the right…the RIGHT to use the ladies’ room and Tuesday they might feel like men again. Yes, suddenly we were told we needed to accept and EMBRACE gender fluidity!  Wrong!  One more thing that led to Donald Trump!

While the world burned, Obama drew imaginary lines in Syria and dared them and the Russians to cross it.  They RAN across it and sent Syria further into a genocidal civil war complete with wholesale slaughter of civilians and chemical weapons use.  Meanwhile, Obama was championing transgenders and allowing men into women’s bathrooms and vice versa!  He turned America upside down and dumped gasoline on the culture clash in America, while hollowing out America’s military and nuclear deterrent.

It led to the election of Donald J Trump; a New York Real Estate  Tycoon, who promised to “Make America Great Again.” He promised to cut taxes, get rid of Obamacare and undo all of the regulations Obama had busily put in place to bypass Congress. He promised to get rid of all of Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders and to build a “Big beautiful Wall,” on the U.S. Mexican Border and round up and deport criminal illegals in America. He promised to renegotiate the ridiculous, one sided and unfair trade deals that have crippled American Industry since the 1990’s and Ross Perot’s “Great Sucking Sound” that he promised would happen if NAFTA was passed and it was and it did.  He promised to rebuild the American Military which had basically been “used up” by George W Bush in a senseless war in Iraq and allowed to wither on the vine by Obama.  He promised to rebuild our nuclear deterrent forces and replace military hardware which in most cases was much older than the troops using it! Planes couldn’t fly and ships couldn’t leave port. Trump promised to restore the American Military to its former glory and state of readiness.

But Trump wasn’t supposed to be elected. Hillary Rodham Clinton was. Despite her probable commission of multiple felonies, constant lies and embellishment of her career as well as he seemingly cavalier attitude toward the Benghazi Debacle where brave Americans were allowed to die and her treacherous and bloodthirsty laughing comment about Libyan Leader Muammar Al Gaddafi, when she said, “We came, we saw, he died,”  even as she, as US Secretary of State  had helped destabilize the entire Middle East from Syria, to Libya.  As she joked. Gaddafi’s bloody, mutilated body was stripped and dragged through the streets.  Surely, had a Republican Secretary of State made such comments, there would have been immediate calls for his firing.  Yet not for HRC.  Despite her deliberate mishandling of tens of thousands of ultra-sensitive classified government documents and a “home brew” computer server in a bathroom of a private residence, her use of multiple, unsecured email devices and cell phones as well as private email addresses, she was STILL supposed to be elected.

Despite her signing off on a deal which sold twenty percent of America’s uranium; something we have to import,  to Russia in a backroom deal, she was supposed to be elected.  Despite illegally using her office as secretary of state to funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to the highly dubious “Clinton Foundation,” which was nothing more than a bank for influence pedaling and a private piggy bank for the Clinton Family, she was still supposed to be elected.  Despite labeling half the country as “deplorables,” she was still supposed to be elected.  Despite not campaigning in several traditionally democrat states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Michigan while Donald Trump did, she was still supposed to be elected.

Indeed, despite one catastrophic train wreck after another, the election was simply supposed to be a mere formality…. the coronation of “Queen Hillary” and the furtherance of the Clinton Dynasty, because after all….she deserved it and after all… it was “time” for a woman president; as if a vagina and breasts had some mystical impact on the presidency and some how made her more qualified.

But this time, the American People had had enough. At least 42% of them had, including this author and we elected Donald Trump in an electoral landslide as he decisively won states that hadn’t been won  by a republican since Reagan like Pennsylvania and Michigan not to mention Wisconsin.  Meanwhile, HRC was busy “resting” while Trump was barnstorming the nation talking to overflow crowds in massive venues where there were so many people, speakers had to be set up outside! The people who had been lied to by democrats for the past fifty years as they watched their jobs go away and their communities slowly die despite democrat promises had finally had enough.  The people who were told their jobs were no longer needed had finally had enough.  The people who saw what “hope and change” really meant had finally had enough.

But something funny happened.  Something that has never happened before in American History  at any time, in any era.  As soon as HRC lost, she decided that if she couldn’t win, she would destroy the Trump Presidency one way or another even if it meant  getting him outright impeached.The plan was ingenious and had never been tried before.

To do this she would use dozens of “deep state” operatives…left wing civil servants who were simply appalled by the very existence of Donald Trump and who would slow walk, stall and ignore his programs and initiatives; in some cases even refusing to take down the portraits of Obama and replace them with President Trump.  She would also use a fake dossier which reportedly contained numerous disgusting and salacious facts about President Trump and his collusion and cooperation with the Russian Government in order to get him elected.  Of course the dossier was totally fictitious as former FBI Director Jams Comey had said; since NONE of it could be verified an in fact many points had been disproved.  The Clinton Campaign paid for this opposition research by themselves, colluding with Russian Agents via Michael Steele, a former British MI-6 Agent.  The information was collected and pt into a dossier; none of which was ever proven or validated.  Then, HRC had this dossier passed onm to her deep state contacts at the FBI in order to obtain a FISA Warrant to spy on President Trump and his associates, before, during and after the election.  All the while maintaining that President and Candidate Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the U.S. Presidential Election.  Ironically it was HRC who had ACTUALLY colluded with Russia!

The last component of the Clinton Plan to hobble, if not outright destroy the Trump Presidency  before it even began was the mainstream media.  Sean Hannity, conservative commentator had declared the death of the independent, watchdog media in America in 2007.  He was right.  During the presidential campaign, the U.S. Mainstream Media had OPENLY sided with the democrats.  Many in America had talked about left wing bias in America for many years, especially during the Obama Years, but this election put it font and center for the entire country to see.  In the debates, moderators attacked Trump.  On the campaign trail, the media attacked Trump.  Regardless of what he said, what he did, where he went, the media attacked Trump.  Likewise, the bestowed endless praise on HRC.  It was like living in “Bizzaro World” from the Superman Comics.

Trump was portrayed as a sadistic, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, racist, misogynist, war mongering dunce!  Basically, a pile of steaming dog shit, while Clinton was portrayed as the progressive, experienced, sable, learned wise political sage who had worked her way to the top and whose reputation was simply beyond question!  A gleaming gold bar!  And while they dug for dirt about Trump and even invented and created it, they dismissed, covered up and ignored the real tarnishes and outright criminal acts of HRC.  The mainstream media, with the exception of Fox News (minus Megyn Kelly) had simply shown itself to be nothing more than the media arm of the democrat party. Indeed, they had become the “Destroy Trump Media.”

And no sooner than Trump took office, did the far left begin protesting saying horrible, vile, disgusting things about Trump and his family. They demonstrated and accused him of destroying the country before he had even had a chance to sit down in the oval office! The Soros backed Tides Foundation and MoveOn.Org had decided to wage a permanent war against Trump.  The “Deep State” which Washington Insiders scoffed at and dismissed also declared war on Trump. They weren’t going to allow this elected person to just come in and rain on their far left, career civil servant parade. Oh no.

They would go so far as even to refuse to take down Obama’s photos and replace them with Trump which is both custom and law! The deep state vowed silently to stop Trump from even being elected if they could and to have a backup plan if he was elected as we now know, thanks to the memo from Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devon Nunez; which was declassified by he president and released.  Meanwhile, armed with a fake, Clinton bought and paid for dossier, special Counsel, Robert Meuller, who has clear conflict of interest with the president was chosen to take down and impeach Trump.

Even after the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released its report after fourteen months of investigation showing zip, zero, zilch, not one iota of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia; the Special Counsel WIDENED HIS investigation to include the Trump Organization!  Instead of wrapping up his fruitless investigation which is little more than a witch hunt, he began looking even wider and deeper in the hopes of finding SOME SHRED of evidence to destroy President Trump.

Maybe he took a newspaper in 1971 without putting a quarter in the box.  Maybe he spat on the sidewalk in 1993!  Maybe he didn’t help an old lady across the street in 1978 when he was a Boy Scout.  Maybe he tore that tag off a mattress in 1986 that says “Do not remove.”  Meuller was going to ind SOMETHING!  Even if he had to manufacture something, like he did against former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn, he was going to get Trump!  He has already squandered millions of taxpayer dollars and hundreds of man-hours in a meaningless, open-ended search for something that doesn’t exist.  But he and the left know as long as his “investigation” continues, the Trump Presidency is hobbled and cannot focus on governing.  Wat’s been done to President Trump is sickening, disgusting and unAmerican.  It actually smacks of the days of the USSR.

Meanwhile, in what the left in America has labeled with contempt, “flyover country,” life goes on.  Yes, in the real America…the land between the East Coast establishment liberals and the left coast liberals, more Americans have jobs, as unemployment has reached record breaking low levels because of President Trump!  Americans are taking home more money in their paychecks after one of he largest tax cuts and tax reforms in American History, because of President Trump!  Americans are feeling better about themselves, about the economy and about the future, because of President Trump!

But you’d never know it if there was no Fox News, because the rest of the mainstream media has simply ignored the best economy in forty years, the lowest unemployment ever recorded for Blacks, Hispanics and women.  The lowest overall unemployment in thirty years, the highs rate of home ownership, the highest stock market and on and on!  He was a president who finally had the BALLS to keep his promises; regardless of the political consequences!  He slapped tariffs on steel and aluminum being illegally dumped into America by our “trading partners” in the name of “free trade.”

He slapped tariffs on China for all of the multiple trade offenses they had been committing against America for the last thirty years!  It seemed as though wen it comes to China, the only thing America exported was empty shipping containers.  The Chinese in turn filled them up with cheap,  low quality disposable goods and sent them back to America; where they were greedily devoured by Wal-Mart shoppers who were always looking for low price of quality, as their friends and neighbors were put out of work and entire towns and cities in America were devastated by job losses.  No more would other countries prosper at the expense of American Jobs and American Workers.  THESE were ALL of the things democrats and republicans alike had been promising for the past forty years without ever delivering.  But Trump was a different kind of politician.  He was actually doing it! He was actually KEEPING his promises!

If these things had happened under Obama we would be inundated and SUFFOCATED by them!  The mainstream media would deluge us with these facts!  But because President Trump is responsible, these facts are simply ignored, if not vilified!  Vilified, as though somehow they were bad!  HRC was supposed to be president; NOT Trump!  If he achieved world peace, eliminated the national debt and made every American a millionaire, the left would still condemn him and would NEVER accept him; because he wasn’t a liberal, left wing democrat!  They hate him and yet are afraid of him because he had taken their constituency.  He had proven they were liars repeatedly and labeled outlets like CNN and MSNBC as “fake news.” Ironically, they were caught in one lie after another, even inventing “news stories.” No longer was the mainstream media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC the final word.  Their credibility was now in question and Americans were waking up to their bias and lies.  Aided by FoxNews, President Trump was using social media to tell the truth and fight the lies and was succeeding!

At Trump’s rallies and public appearances, his supporters remain strong, vocal and proud and his support among his voters is rock solid.  TRY AS THEY MAY TO DESTROY HIM; HIS APPROVAL RATING STILL HOVERS AROUND 50%!  So what we have right now, on March 23, 2018 is  divided, truly polarized nation.  Indeed as I write this, I have NEVER, EVER seen the country like this in my 51 years; and I am a political and news junkie, indeed my undergraduate degree in in political science and I did an internship in Washington, D.C. under President Reagan.  Even then, the atmosphere was not he toxic, poisonous gas that it is today.  I’m not ashamed to say I’m afraid; not for me but for my fifteen year old son.

It seems as though the left will stop at nothing to forward its agenda, even using school children to further their anti-gun agenda, turning a student walk-out o memorialize the kids killed in Florida into anti-gun rallies all over the country without telling parents. And of course Hollywood and the Music Industry have jumped on the left wing band wagon as well.  I think for me it really came to a head last week when it was reported that president Trump will met with the leader of North Korea.  For months the media had portrayed Trump as an out of control mad man who was itching to start a nuclear war; then when his strategy woks, they criticize him for THAT!  The strategy became clear.  No matter what Trump says or does they will attack him.  And that’s ALL it is.  If you tune into CNN or MSNBC at any time of the day, there simply is no other news.  It’s Trump Hatred, 24/7, unless of course there’s a mass shooting or something else they can blame Trump for.  I have never sen anything like it.

When I was in college doing MY internship in Washington, D.C., Reagan was president and Tip O’Neil was the House Speaker.  The democrats had both houses of Congress and yet there was civil discourse and the government worked together for the people of the country. Now that’s a pipe dream.  It’s constant warfare and attack, obstruction and obfuscation by the democrats regardless of the issue! We have imbeciles like Nancy Pelosi saying that an extra thousand dollars is “crumbs” to a single mom making te n dollars and hour and calling the Trump Tax Cut “Armageddon,” while for the past eight years they spent money like there was no tomorrow! Yet somehow, giving Americans back some of their own money is somehow a bad thing!

The left is truly unhinged.  We now in a world where innocent people are beaten for wearing a Trump Hat or T-Shirt; yet conservatives didn’t do those kind of things to Obama Supporters. People lose their jobs for questioning the left wing agenda!  They lose their jobs for showing they are conservatives and now the online world is beginning to systematically stamp out any and all conservative views on websites and in videos from Google to Youtube.  Americans are being herded toward the left wing view as any dissent is simply eliminated in an Orwellian nightmare!  We will be at the point where  conservative viewpoints are simply not available to be read anywhere on the internet.  Next, the bookstores will stop selling conservative thought.  It’s just like the USSR.  Eliminate undesirable ideas; exempt the liberal left….those who claim to be about tolerance and understanding are the ones  eliminating all opposing views.

Finally, the coup degrasse…in a move reminiscent of the days leading up to the shots at Fort Sumter and the Civil War, the State of California has apparently decided that Jerry Brown, aka Moonbeam is no a governor, but a president and California is no  longer a state, but an independent country and they no longer need to obey US Law or the US Constitution!  They have not only declared numerous “sanctuary cities” around the country, but now California has declared itself a “sanctuary state!”  They have gone so far as to pass laws which PUNISH citizens who Dare…..DARE to cooperate with the federal government!  Here I thought we were SUPPOSED to OBEY the law!  I guess if you’re a liberal, you have to obey only “certain” laws!  Yes, this is really happening!!!  In fact they have enacted laws CONTRARY to the US Constitution, which deliberately break the law as they are champions of what the liberal left calls, “the resistance.”  I keep wondering resistance to what?

Resistance to low unemployment and good paying jobs?  Resistance to more take home pay?  Resistance to less crime?  Resistance to enforcing our border like every other nation in the world? Resistance to being proud Americans again instead of apologizing for our wealth, power, prosperity and standard of living?  Resistance to enforcing the US Constitution which created this great nation?  Resistance to protecting American Industry and American Jobs?  Resistance to protecting the American Middle Class and the American Standard of living?  These are the things the left is resisting?  REALLY???

Then I remember just who the people who are “resisting” are.  These are the people who don’t believe in freedom of religion or religious rights.  These are the people like Joy Behar, who belittle and ridicule Christians who worship God as delusional and mentally ill. These are the people like Barack Hussein Obama, who want to scrap the Constitution and have labeled it as a “quaint piece of history” that’s not relevant today and believe it’s an obstacle to be circumvented, not obeyed.  These are the people who cheered at Barack Hussein Obama governed by executive order because e refused to cooperate with Congress and operate as a constitutional president.  The people who want to disregard the Bill of Rights.  The same people who want the Second Amendment  repealed.  The people who want the First Amendment curtailed.  The people who want unilateral nuclear disarmament.  The people who want teenage boys and girls in the same shower and locker rooms.  The same people who have joyfully advocated for the murder of of fifty six million American Babies through abortion.  Then I realize why they are “resisting.” They don’t like America.  They never have.  They created the Federal Reserve and embarked on a one hundred year plan to destroy America circa 1905.  It’s a hundred years later and they are well on their way.

I could go on.  In fact I could write a book and may some day about just how polarized and divided America has become.  We have had over forty presidential elections in America.  We have always had ugly, mudslinging campaigns that were down and dirty.  But afterwards we always cam together as Americans.   AMERICANS!  NOT hyphenated Americans, but Americans.  We banded together for better of worse and fought the Spanish- American War.  We came together after the horrific scale of the American Civil War where brother killed brother and neighbor killed neighbor.  We cam together after the killings which led to the Civil Rights Act.  We came together to save Europe an the first world war.  We came together stamp out Hitler and Tojo!  We came together to stand up to communism, brought down the Berlin Wall and freed the people of the USSR.  President Ronald Reagan and House Speaker Thomas, “Tip” O’Neil sat and drank beer together while cutting taxes and rebuilding America’s Defenses because they were Americans and though they were democrat and republican they KNEW that was secondary and that AMERICA was what counted.  I did my internship during those days.  It was incredible to work and learn among giants of American History.

Who are the giants today? Congresswoman Maxine Watters who is clearly mentally ill? Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi who is clearly suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease?  Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer who is a complete and total hypocrite and liar and who has flip flopped more than  a pancake in a frying pan? Maybe it’s Congressman Adam Schiff who repeatedly claims he as all of this “evidence” about President Trump, but never reveals it.  There IS no cooperation!  There IS no working together!  There is no America anymore to these people.  It’s all about THEIR left wing liberal agenda and if you oppose it, you need anger management classes or sensitivity training or need to be silenced because there is clearly something wrong with you and YOU are not an American.

Not only won’t they work with a duly elected President of the United States, but they have actively opposed and undermined him since before he was sworn in attacking him on everything from the way he wears his tie to his foreign policy and everything in between.  And while they cry “investigate, investigate, investigate,” over alleged Trump ties to Russia, and Russian attempts to undermine our electoral process, they happily ignore the fact that former President Barack Hussein Obama was warned about possible Russian meddling all the way back in 2014 and did NOTHING!  Yet somehow Trump is the bad guy!

From the America I grew up in, in the 1970’s and 1980’s where I graduated from high school in 1984 and college in 1988 to 2018 there are no similarities between then and now.  I grew up in a traditional American Family with traditional American values with a sister and a brother and a mom and dad.  We respect police officers, say please and thank you and yes ma’am and yes sir.  We go to church, celebrate Christmas and work hard to get what we want.  I was the first to graduate from college. I was the only one to get a master’s degree. We get together for every holiday and every birthday….every birth and death ad wedding and everything in between.

Now, I am supposed to believe that the way I have lived for the past fifty on years is somehow wrong?  I m supposed to believe that I am defective?  That my way of thinking cannot be tolerated and I must keep my mouth shut and my views to myself less I b fired from my job or worse?  Like the David Bowie song says, “This is NOT America.”

Perhaps the most ironic thing of all is just WHO is spewing the hate, the poison and the venom…..the intolerance, the judgements and the hatred.  It’s not conservatives.  Nope.  We always behave ourselves, use nice language and even pick up our trash when we have political rallies.  It’s liberals.  LIBERALS!  LIBERALS! The irony is that the very people who claim to be all about tolerance are completely IN-tolerant!  The people who claim to be all about civil rights want to curtail and CUT freedom of speech, freedom of religion and repeal the Second Amendment.  They aggressively and violently advocate their position and if you don’t agree with them you are immediately labeled and marginalized, then ignored.

I went to school with a lot of liberals at a small liberal arts college back in the 1980’s which has since expand and become a university, and we had spirited debates.  Then we went out and had a few beers, went to dances, partied and played sports.  Now colleges have “safe spaces” because liberal students are actually in fear of hearing opposing view points.  We have free speech zones which are the only places you may speak opposing views.  We give out hot chocolate and Lego Blocks to calm the nerves and soothe hurt feelings of co-eds who have been exposed to opposing viewpoints.  What happened?  Where is the tolerance?  Where is the acceptance?  The polarization is NOT stopping, weakening or lessening.  It’s getting worse and worse and worse and I fear for the future.

Common language, common culture and secure borders are things that are vital for a nation to survive.  In 2018, not only do liberals not believe these simple facts, but actively fight against them and as the polarization worsens and the divide widens talk of secession by states has started and talk of states breaking apart has begun.  America is on the path to a civil war.  Anyone looking at the way the federal government worked under the Obama Administration can see that America has become a “Banana Republic,” where the apparatus of government was actively used against opposition politicians.  If you asked anyone in 1860 if they really, really believed there would be a civil war, they would have laughed at you.  By 1865. no one was laughing.

I close with this.  It’s something that happened to me almost a year ago today.  We here in Pennsylvania were hit by a blizzard and received over two feet of snow.  As the only guy on the block with a snowblower, I always take care of my property and my next door neighbor’s as well when we get a good pile of snow.  Well, this storm really dumped a pile of snow on us, so I figured  would go right down the block and help everyone who needed to be dug out.  I never ask for money more anything else.  I do it because I believe in being a good neighbor.  Well, I  walked behind the snowblower working my way down the block and I got to the last house.  Just then a woman, who I guess is in her mid twenties came out of her house and started digging out her porch and clearing off her car with a broom.

I noticed a magnet on the back of her car that read “My cat is a democrat.”  I shouted over to her, “So your cat is a democrat.  Are you a democrat too?”  She shouted back in a really snippy tone as though I should no better than to ask and said “What else would I be? Why what are you?”  I shouted, “I’m a conservative libertarian.  But isn’t it great we live in a country where we can all have our views and still get along and help one another?”  She shouted back, “NO, it’s not!”  With that she tossed the broom into the snow and stormed into the house and slammed the door!  I was shocked and amazed.  I stood there flabbergasted!  Was I suddenly transported to the streets of Beirut?  I turned the snowblower around an just went home without finishing her walks.

I was angry, disgusted, but most of all I was sad.  She made me feel like I was less of a person because I wasn’t a liberal and she was so disgusted she couldn’t even be in my presence….even though I was doing her a favor!  Excuse my language, but that’s fucked up!  Any way you slice it, that’s fucked up and if that’s happening in my little town of 5000 people, I can understand what’s happening in the big cities of America. Sad.  Very Sad. I weep for the future.  Maybe we should just take a vote and let the liberals go their own way and break away from America and allow the rest of us to live free, strong, courageous and brave as proud Americans.  I don’t know.  I only know this can’t keep going the way it is now.