American Entitlement Culture: “I Don’t Like This, So I’m Going To Destroy It! “

Posted: July 7, 2020 in politics


Degenerate lefty scum try to destroy Andrew Jackson Statue.

It’s EXACTLY what we’re seeing. EXACTLY! Look at this video from the 1:14 mark:  We don’t like this, so we’re going to tear it down! How long until we reach the pont where we hear, “We don’t like him, so we are  that’s why we’re going to kill him!” While Black Lives undoubtedly matter, so do all other lives! BLM has, IMHO, turned into a cross between a cult and a terrorist group.  We have watched this group through Ferguson , Baltimore and various other cities. Why? Who the Hell elected them to represent anyone, anywhere, anytime?

It may come as a surprise to BLM, but there are other groups that were treated horrifically as well throughout American History! Even a cursory examination of the way the Chinese were treated in the United States in the 19th and early 20th centuries in America is enough to make one weep! From slave labor, to discrimination, to massacres of even helpless, innocent women & children, yet where is the Chinese Lives Matter Group?

Likewise, Germans, Poles, Italians and especially the Irish were treated horribly at different periods in American History. The same could be said of Mexicans in America, both legally and illegally.  In 1860’s, the Irish in New York City actually filed off the ships bringing them to America, were drafted,  given uniforms and rifles on the piers and docks and marched right back on to different ships only to be dropped into battle to fight for their new country a few days later!

Not so surprisingly, discrimination against one group or another has happened in almost every country on Earth at one time or another; including and ESPECIALLY African Nations!  One need only look at Apartheid South Africa in the days of White Rule, vs. today.  What organizations like BLM seem to forget is that in some cases, it was Africans themselves who sold other Africans into slavery! YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT! AFRICANS SOLD THEIR AFRICAN BROTHERS TO WHITE EUROPEANS AND INTO SLAVERY!

Then there is the ridiculous, American-Invented sense of Africanism!  It’s truly ludicrous!  Many Westerners wonder about African slavers is why they were willing to sell their own people. Why would they sell Africans to Europeans? The simple answer to this question is that they did not see slaves as “their own people.” Blackness (as an identity or marker of difference) was at that time a preoccupation of Europeans, not Africans. There was also in this era no collective sense of being “African.” In other words, African slave traders felt no obligation to protect African slaves because they did not regard them as their equals.

Africans were just as brutal, just as murderous and just as sadistic as Europeans. They fought bloody wars against other African Kingdoms and took slaves, murdered women and children, etc… Victors sold the vanquished to Europeans. Again, it wasn’t seen as a racial issue, but rather as a way to destroy one’s enemies while at the same time enriching yourself.

The slave trade has gone on continuously, uninterrupted, almost since man left the cave and it continues today in 2020, with the biggest prizes, ironically being White, blonde, blue eyes European and American Women sold to buyers in the Middle East and Africa. So where’s the “Womens’ Lives Matter” group?

You see, Blacks in no way are the most oppressed people in America, ESPECIALLY in 2020! At the same time it’s funny that America suffered through 8 years of a Black President! Yes, this horrible racist nation elected a Black President TWICE! Unfortunately, he did NOTHING, to help race relations and indeed by the time he left office, they were much, much worse than when he entered office! He did nothing to reform police and nothing to reform criminal justice. They would be done by a White President Donald Trump!

Groups like BLM demand that Americans change their perception of Blacks; yet while Blacks make up approximately 25% of the population, they commit nearly 70% of the violent crimes in America according to Barack Obama’s Justice Department!

But it’s not solely the fault of ANTIFA or BLM. Around the turn of the twentieth century, the “Progressives” realized they could not quickly achieve the change they sought in America. So they came up with a one hundred year plan. Yep. A hundred years of planning, scheming and plodding and guess what? Robert LaFollette would be proud if he looked at any of America’s Major Cities in June 2020.

Likewise, Saul Alinsky would see his Rules For Radicals played out by his disciples; many of whom have never even heard of him or his philosophy. Simiilarly, while disciples like Cloward & Piven would also be celebrating, those like Martin Luther King would look on in horror, particularly at the fact that these animals, yes animals are attempting not to end racism, segregation and preferences based on skin color and race but TO ENHANCE SEGREGATION! In fact California has decided to repeal its affirmative action and quota laws regarding hiring! That’s right! After YEARS of fighting for affirmative action and equality, now those laws and doctrine are being struck down; not just in California, but all over the country! NOW, BLACKS WANT separate dorms, separate student centers, separate sports leagues, you name it! I personally think this is AWESOME! But that’s another story, for another time!

It truly seems as though these fucktards want a re-enactment of the 1960’s lunch counter in Mississippi; FOR REAL!  They want signs that say “Blacks Only!”. They want signs that say ” Whites Only! “. Look at Jordan Peele saying “I will never cast a White Actor.”😁 That’s about as racist as it gets! But it’s ok, because he’s Black. Meanwhile, if  a White Producer said, “I’ll never cast a Black Actor, he’d immediately be labeled as a racist and bigot and his career would end then and there! Likewise, look at Kanye West, whose support of President Trump has gotten him labeled as an “Uncle Tom,” an ” Oreo, ” and a “Zebra,” among other slurs! Thi simply because he supports a man of a different race! Totally racist!🤔

Let’s get one thing straight. I am no champion of civil rights or anti-racism; nor am I a particular fan of Martin Luther King. However, I respect wht Dr King did and tried to do. I am personally of the mind that what King and other “civil rights heroes” were trying to do was like trying to bail out the Titanic with a red Solo Cup as it sank.

You can educate people. You can attempt to modify their behavior individually and as a group by coercion, or by reward, threats and punishment. But you can NEVER fundamentally change human nature. Like the song says, thats just the way it is. While you can stop the sight of badly beaten corpses hanging from trees, you cannot stop the fundamental distrust, fear and in many cases, baseless hatred for things things that are different.

With that in mind, there have been hundreds if not thousands of volumes and articles written about the American Civil War and the impact of slavery as a cause, as a motivation to fight, a justification etc.. What is often overlooked is that while a Northern Victory would surely mean an end to slavery, even in light of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, there were a scant few in the North who were willing to fight to end slavery. In fact, Northern attitudes toward Blacks were just as profoundly negative as they were in the South. In fact, it could be argued that Southern Attitudes toward Blacks was actually positive; relatively speaking, when compared with Northern Attitides; especially in cities like New York, Philadelphia and Boston.

At least those in the South saw a “need” for Blacks, albeit as posessions, rather than people. To someone in Charleston or Atlanta, a Black was viewed like a piece of farm equipment or a workhorse. They had to be cared for, as one would take care of a mule. Meanwhile, in cities like Pittsburgh and New York, “Niggers,” were viewed as taking the jobs of Whites and raping White Women. Blacks were slurred and humiliated in public, beaten and sometimes murdered with ” zero shits given. ” The acronym NIMBY, Not in my backyard applied 100% with Blacks being shut out of the vast majority of neighborhoods everywhere in the North leading to them living in their own enclaves.

The New York City Draft Riots were greatly impacted and in some levels CAUSED by President Lincoln’s new, additional war goal of freeing the slaves.  The average, lower income, White, Factory Worker in New York City, had no desire to leave his home and family to fight for members of another race who were trying to steal the jobs of Whites! They didn’t speak English. They didn’t understand America or American Culture and/or customs. They had flat noses, curly short hair, big flat noses and their skin was a different color! No! Northern Whites were simply unwilling to die for these people and they rebelled throughout New York City and other major northern cities.

Lincoln realized there was hatred for Blacks, but felt that freeing the slaves added an air of nobility to the war, that all men should be free and treated like men; not farm animals or 2/3 of a man. Further, he really did believe that there was a group of Americans whom this would spur into action and cause them to enlist and while Lincoln, by no means thought this would help turn the tide of the war he felt it couldn’t hurt and would interject an additional modicum of morality to the slaughter of brothers by their brothers.

But what then? What would happen when we won the war? Lincoln wrestled with this question and came up with a solution. Send them back. Just that simple. Send them back. lincoln believed that Blacks WERE different than Whites fundamentally and they would NEVER truly be able to integrate with Whites into American Society and some 155 years later, in many ways that remains true!

Lincoln believed that since Blacks were brought here against their will, the moral, the humane solution would be to send them back — to Africa. Yet he knew the voyage was difficult,  inhumane and in many cases even deadly; and while the west African nation of Liberia had been set up in 1847 for the express purpose of giving freed slaves a homeland, mass exodus was simply impractical. So he moved forward with plans to create a Black Republic somewhere in central or south America, although he would be assassinated before he could see it through.

Instead, upon Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency and what followed over the next 155 years was a sad, bloody, cruel and often inhuman history littered with the corpses of inumerable Blacks. From the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow Laws, “Seperate But Equal,” George Wallace, The Freedom Riders, Rosa Parks and ” I have a Dream. ” But positive change came. As slow and painful as it was, change came and wrongs were righted. Indeed, America has ALWAYS moved to right wrongs and help those in need from desegregation, to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

As I mentioned earlier, 100 years passed and here we are. We have allowed our children to be indoctrinated in grade school, high school and colleges. More than 95% of educators are liberal democrats.  The text books are written by liberals.  In classrooms and on campuses across this country, students can’t even dare to speak if they are conservatives! Conservative speakers are banned from campuses and those who aren’t banned are attacked and physically threatened! Such is the state of indoctrination…that used to be education!

We Now live in a country where we can’t say certain words or can only refer to them with their first letters like the “N word.” We live in a country NOT of Martin Luther King’s dream, but of George Orwell’s nightmare! Why? The left/democrat party/progressives won! They got what they wanted. They started small with a burning ember which grew into a bonfire and then an all engulfing firestorm devouring and destroying everything it touches.

The left has created a nation where free speech is gone, or at the very least practiced at your own peril. A nation where you can be beaten and murdered and have your private property destroyed because of your words, thoughts or skin color. You can lose your job because of your political views. You can be refused service at public establishments for your skin color and political views! If you see a monument, plaque or statue or display you disagree with, you can feel free to knock it over, deface or destroy it, burn it or anything else you’d like with no fear of retribution, jail or prosection. We live in a nation where cities are partially defunding or drastically cutting funds to police departments. In some cases police departments, like that in Minneapolis are being abolished altogether. No it’s not the 1960’s. It’s 2020!

Meanwhile, politicians like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tell us destruction of private property is a GOOD thing! Where mayors of major cities like Seattle allow Marxist mobs to drive out police and physically take over parts of their city ordering police to disarm, stand down and abandon their buildings and the citizens. States like California are repealing legislation guaranteeing color blindness in society where equality is guaranteed regardless of skin color and banning discrimination! Indeed today we live in a nation where the mob always wins and law abiding citizens lose.

The American Flag and everything that this great country stands for is suddenly evil, racist, bigoted and must be destroyed and erased! We here and see over and over, “Black lives matter!” Yes! ALL lives matter! Then today the ” leader” of Black lives matter says “If our demands are not met, we will burn the country down!” Really? This ass clown belongs in jail!

Who gave these animals the authority to destroy MY history? They are nothing but a pack of animals! They are destroying, simply just to destroy! They are even destroying statues of people who helped free slaves, helped end slavery, abolitionists, Lincoln even Union Soldiers!

We have had a number of police involved shootings over the past several years. Sadly, some were actually justified and  the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” is simply an invention of the ANTIFA/BLM Mobs. Indeed, eyewitnesses proved the opposite was true in addition to a detailed investigation by a Black President’s Justice Department led by a Black U.S. Attorney General, with a lead Black Investigator! But the mob still burned down their own neighborhood in Ferguson, Missouri.

The next tragic incident was the death of Mr George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Quite simply, he was choked to death by a White Officer, while other White Officers looked on and did nothing to save Mr Floyd! There was universal disgust and universal condemnation on the left and the right. EVERYONE agreed this was nothing short of murder and couldn’t be tolerated! Demonstrations in Minneapolis began which were ubderstandable. The demonstrators wanted justice for Mr Floyd. Unfortunately, the demonstrations almost immediately turned violent with businesses being burned as well as a police station. Many people were injured and a few more were killed. Then, it seemed as though finally, one of these cases would turn out right and the officers were all charged. This time the charges were severe and would stick. So justice would be served and the protesters could go home. WRONG! If you thought that would be thinking logically and generally where mobs are concerned, logic goes out the window.

The officers were all charged with serious crimes ranging from: manslaughter to murder 1. So that’s it. Right? No! Of course not! For a week, protesters burned the city of Minneapolis! They burned down an Auto Zone, a Post Office and several other buildings , INCLUDING a police station! Like the mayor in Seattle, the mayor ordered the police to surrender the station and pull back because it wouldn’t look good! Are you kidding me!?!?

Meanwhile, BLM & ANTIFA  Groups in other cities began to activate and destroy their cities. In particular, Seattle; but many cities saw and are currently seeing what has been transformed from peaceful demonstrations as outside in the Constitution to RIOTING; plain and simple! Then, a”warlord” decided to throw the police out of the Capitol Hill District of Seattle and declare a six block square area as CHAZ, or the (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). No cops, no government, just anarchy. The best part is that the mayor approved it and the governor ignored it! Meanwhile, ordinary people who were unlucky enough to have homes and/or businesses in CHAZ were trapped! There were beatings, robberies, rapes and murders and the mayor wouldn’t allow police in! Then the Marxists changed the name from CHAZ to CHOP (Capitol hill Occupied Protest).  FInally, the mayor had enough and ordered this disastrous, failed, Marxist Experiment to be ended and dismantled.

Meanwhile, rioters attempted to penetrate the White House Grounds and set up an “occupy” NYC at city hall. Bands of Marxists pop up all over the country destroying  priceless, historical markers, statues and memorials because quite simply, “they dont like them!” Mayors and governors of ” Blue” states and cities do nothing. NOTHING! The mayor of Washington, DC authorizes “Black Lives Matter” painted in Pennsylvania Avenue, with giant yellow lettets! When two conservatives attempted to paint over it, THEY were arrested! Meanwhile, in NYC, Comrade DeBlasio allows BLM to be spelled out and painted on the street in front of Trump Tower!

America is in trouble. Yet, the Democrat Party is running a racist puppet who wants to “change America.” Obongo said the same thing when he pledged to ” fundamentally transform” America and you see what HE delivered! Moreover, Obongo/Biden had 8 years to reform police and deal with race relations. They made it worse! Now Biden is the Democrat Candidate? A man who boasted that his state, Delaware was a slave state! A man who said desegregation would force his kids to go to school in “the jungle!” A man who FOUGHT desegregation and bussing plans! A man who said you have to have a slight Indian Accent to work at Dunkin Donuts! 

Remember, it was a Democrat, Bull Conner, who used fire hoses and police dogs to attack peaceful protesters, George Wallace who stood in the doorway of the school to stop Blacks from entering, over 100 Democrat Lawmakers voted AGAIN the 1964 Civil Rights Act,  Al Gore’s father filibustered the bill! Robert Byrd who was at one time, the LEADER OF THE KKK and J William Fulbright…ALL DEMOCRATS! Bill Clinton called Fulbright his mentor! Will he have to apologize now?  Meanwhile, modern Democrats lined up to shower Robert Byrd with praise and accolades even making him Senate Majority Leader and he was the national leader of the KKK! Hillary Clinton called this racist piece of shit the * “Heart & soul of the US Senate!”  Cryin’ Chucky Schumer called Robert KKK Byrd one of the greatest men in history! SCumbag, clueless, nitwit Nancy ” Ice cream” Pelosi called Byrd a great American Patriot! Sleepy Joe Biden called Byrd, the Dean of the Senate, a close friend and mentor of mine! Can you imagine if President Trump or ANY Republican said this or anything close about a former KKK Leader? The democrat party was and is a party of racists and total, complete, abject hypocritical, failures! And they support BLM & ANTIFA!

I know this has been rambling and long winded. But how did we get to a place in the freest, most open country in the world; a country that is constantly righting wrongs, where we can simply look at a statue and say “Im offended by that statue, so Im gonna rip it down and throw it in the river?

I could go on, but why bother? Over this past weekend, 5 children were killed. They were all Black and were all killed by BLM! Chicago looked like America’s largest outdoor shooting range and shootings DOUBLED in NYC! Every Democrat City is a shooting gallery and small, Black, 7 & 8 year old children are being murdered by Black lives Matter! Mayors are in bed with these animals! The policies of the left & Democrat Cities have failed and the cities are crumbling! CRUMBLING! Blacks are murdering other Blacks everywhere because of the liberal cancer that has been eating away our large, beautiful cities! But the mainstream media and the Democrats don’t want to talk about all of these murders or even acknowledge them, because it goes against their narrative! This is nothing new. Chicago, for example, has been a shooting gallery for years and has the strictest gun laws in the country! Barry Obongo and Sleepy Joe did NOTHING! They and BLM and ANTIFA only care about certain kinds of killings. You see, if 50 Blacks kill 50 more Blacks, hey that’s just Saturday Night and they ignore them. They’re only concerned when race enters the shooting, ie…like a White shooting a Black or mmmmm…. a White Cop shooting a Black! Now THOSE Black lives matter because that’s racist! The hypocrisy is staggering! Just unbelievable!

Now were at the point where EVERYTHING is racist! Over the Fourth of July Holiday last week, instead of celebtrating America, BLM, ANTIFA and their Democrat enablers had shows on MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the lamestream media spent hour after hour denigrating and slurring the United States almost as if slavery existed today! They told us how racist the Fourth of July Holiday is! Not only that, they told us the flag itself was racist and divisive! Not the Confederate Flag, but Stars & Stripes! They told us President Trump was a racist and the backdrop of the national independence Day Celebration, Mount Rushmore was nothing more than a racist memorial and one day soon will be dynamited, not only because IT is a racist symbol, but also, because its creator was a racist! BLM & ANTIFA would have us believe almost EVERYTHING IS RACIST! EVERYTHING! Even music is now racist! They say classic songs like  “White Christmas,” are racist! WHITE CHRISTMAS! They have even decided that Beetoven was Black, and that fact was covered up by White Europeans!

In summary, America is not perfect. No country is. no people are. But America is ALWAYS striving to be better and is always moving forward. America has tried to right the wrongs of slavery and racism and has made great strides.  Still, there is a constant, blistering attack on the very fabric of America itself! Our government, our traditions, our history; BLM and the Marxist ANTIFA are attacking America from every direction and every angle! They despise capitalism and freedom and vow to tear down the greatest country in the world with lies and fake news. The way things are going, soon, EVERYTHING will be racist! The left has even decided that certain food and beverages are racist! We may be called on to exercise our Second Amendment Rights. We; you and I may have to protect our families and ourselves since police forces are having budgets cut, being defunded and shut down!  America is burning and the left is dumping gasoline on the flames. The bad guys aren’t the ones going to the Mount Rushmore Celebration! The bad guys are the ones killing small children in our cities! Who knows, one day soon, they may be coming for you!

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