The Ultimate Arbiter, The Ultimate Hypocrisy

Posted: November 7, 2019 in politics

colt-ar15_1The United States Constitution has been for over 230 years, and continues to be a singularly unique document and framework. It is not a document of positive rights but of negative guarantees!  The Constitution gives NOTHING to ANYONE.  It simply reaffirms our God given rights and confirms that our rights are natural and are guaranteed and protected by government; not GIVEN by government. Rights are given by monarchs. Rights are protected by republics.  More importantly, it tells the government what it may NOT do!  It outlines a system whereby government is created and functions with the consent of the governed.

THAT’S something I have found EXTREMELY distressing listening to the democrat presidential candidates. Oh yeah, they’re making their usual socialist, welfare giveaway promises like: free college, free housing, etc…none of which would never pass or become law. That nonsense is just noise. What worries me is what these buffoons are actually saying.

If you listen…I mean really listen to these Marxst, totalitarian wannabes, you will learn what their REAL PLANS are…what they plan to TAKE AWAY from you and me.

If you listen to those intellectual geniuses…true political titans who will go down in history with the likes of Madison and Adams and Jefferson like Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, you begin to understand their twisted vision and plan for America.  Their hero, Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama vowed to “fundamentally tranform” America. He started the job.  They would like to complete it. 

In the meantime, a modicum of grass roots sanity took over and America elected Donald J. Trump 45th president.  Remarkably, even before he was innaugurated, the looney left was vowing to impeach him!  They tried to steal the 2016 presidential election by involving an ex- British Secret Service Agent and the Russian Gvernment, then tried to spin it and blame the president, all so Hillary Rodham Clinton could be crowned “Queen;” oops, I mean president. After all, she earned it; or so the left believed.  They contended ridiculously it was “her turn.”

As I said earlier, the democrats, aside from their usual, delusional grab bag of freebies and giveaways this time around have discovered a new found sense of courage and bravery and suddenly it’s cool to be a socialist …or at least if you’re left of center and hate America.

As such, they have promised, through their laughingly, ludicrous legislative outline “The Green New Deal,” to do something the United States Government has never done before :  Take things away from average, ordinary, everyday Americans. Citizens who have done nothing wrong, committed no crime, made no threats against anyone, either physically or verbally.  But these Americans have a problem.  They are tradditional, God Fearing Americans and that’s simply got to come to an end.  Progressives need progress and the average American is centrist and conservative and by their very nature are resistant to change.

By the way, the saying “Change is good,” is assinine! Change is good, and beneficial ONLY when it is needed and brings about a positive outcome As we saw with the Obongo Administration, change is NOT good for the sake of change and now we have dumocrats vowing, indeed PROMISING to take away a multitude of things in the name of change!

Kamala Harris has promised to take away your doctor. She has promised to take away your health insurance. Dumocrats have promised to take away private pensions and 401k’s.  AOC ‘s “Green New Deal” and all of its supporters have promised to take away: Your house, your car, your motorcycle, your lawn mower, your weedeater, your gas grill, furnace, your garage and many of your jobs, They even want to take away our pork, your chicken, and yes, your steaks and most of all, your hamburgers! 

In fact they want to take away all meat; because after all, meat’s not healthy, but moreover, meat contributes to the dreaded scourge of “climate change!”  Take, take, take! It seems to be the centerpiece of the dumcrats’ plans for you and me.

 With all of this “taking” going on, perhaps the worst promise to take something away from the average American comes from the latest clown to jump out of the dumocrat clown car, ie… Robert Francis “Beto” O’Roarke.  This skateboard riding, table hopping imbecile has promised to go door to door and TAKE Americans’ guns away!  Of course, not him personally.  He knows he’d be shot.  That’s for the hated police.  Who cares if they get shot? Kill two birds with one stone!  Confiscate guns and kill cops!  To the left that’s a win-win! That’s the lefty attitude!

Yes, he’s going to take away your “assault weapons.”  The only problem is that assault weapons are already llegal!  He and the rest of the ignorant , uninformed left call the AR-15 an assault rifle.  It’s not.  It’s a semi-automatic rifle that LOOKS like its cousin, the M-16, which IS an assault rifle, capable of fully automatic fire and three round burst.  The AR-15 is the same rifle your father and grandfather used, except theirs were made out of fancy, nicely carved, beautifully crafted hardwood and steel. This one is made out of plastic and steel.  Same bullets, same action, same gun, different look.

The leftys say the AR-15 looks menacing and deadly! It is.  ALL guns are deadly, but looks don’t kill!  A fact that doesn’t matter in the slightest to the left.  The fact that the vast majority of shootings (over 96%) are by handguns doesn’t matter either.  Yes, liberals hate the dreaded AR-15, the “un-assault” rifle!  But fear not.  It would be a mere segway to total gun confiscation.

So, this leads to the obvious question:  What if the average, law abiding gun owner answers the door and tells the sheriff or the police he is not interested in surrendering his legal, very expensive, semi-automatic rifles?  Let’s say he tells them, as is his right, to get off his property?  Since authority figures generally are ignorant of civil rights and the very Constitution they swore an oath to, they generally don’t like to be told to piss off!  Indeed, they usually become violent, aggressive and downright mean!

If he’s like most law enforcement officers, he will threaten the citizen with arrest, which would be illegal, because of a little thing called the Second Amendment.  Let’s say the citizen resists?  Now we have a scuffle.  Let’s say the citizen beats the cop’s ass.  He will resort to a taser or a sidearm.  As soon as he goes for that, the citizen will pull his sidearm and shoot the officer.  Meanwhile his partner will shoot the citizen.

The aftermath?  A dead policeman and a dead citizen.  A citizen who was killed defending his God-given right to keep and bear arms and a cop who was killed attempting to enforce a clearly illegal order.  So in order to reduce, or even end gun violence, the left’s answer is gun violence, or the threat of gun violence or both.

Remember, these geniuses on the left are the imbeciles, lecturing us about gun violence.  Yet, they seemingly have no problem using gun violence against law abiding citizens who refuse to surrender their expensive, legally obtained private property and their Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.  Kill in order to stop killing?

We can call this a lot of things:  lies, hypocrisy, totalitarianism, you name it.  In the end, when it comes to the left, it’s about one thing and one thing alone:  Naked, all encompassing, POWER.  So I’ll ask the question.  In a government which only exists and functions with the consent of the governed, what happens when the governed no longer consent?

  1. Susan D Smith says:

    Nice post Smitty!  👍👍👍


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