What’s Happened and More Importantly, HOW Did It Happen?

Posted: November 11, 2019 in politics

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Having been born in 1966, I am what “they” whoever “they” are has labeled part of “Generation X.” I’m not sure exactly what that’s supposed to mean other than labelling me.  In any case, I look around at this America WE have created or should I say have allowed to evolve and I wonder just how the Hell this happened.

I’m 53 years old going on 8.  After all, they say your only as old as you feel right?  Well, mentally, I am a solid  8 year old.  Thanks to a drunk driver and an 88 year old man, I have the body of an 80 year old and am permanently disabled.  Before my disability, I was climbing the corporate ladder, master’s degree in hand, big dollar salary, about to be promoted.  So I sit back and watch with a particular point of view.

Teenagers behave like they’re in their 20’s.  Teenage girls dress like they’re in their 20’s.  Parents don’t seem to parent anymore and kids don’t seem to have any respect or need for parents anymore.  At the same tine, schools behave more like parents and bed & breakfasts while churches seem non-existent except for the occasional pedophilia scandal. 

As a kid living in Detroit in a housing development, we had what we called a “little playground” about 2 blocks away and a “big playground about 4 blocks away.  We were allowed to walk.  We went, we played and had a ball and there wasn’t a parent in sight.  Now, playgrounds have become padded, cushioned safety zones where parents outnumber kids and plot and scheme about how to outdo one another and quibble about which pre-schools are the best and which track their three year olds will take to get them into the best schools!

Every person i know who is my age has scars on their elbows, scars on their knees and usually scars on their chin.  It was part of learning and we wore them like a badge of honor.  It was how we learned to be careful and what we could and couldn’t do.  We fell off the swings, which most playground operators have decided are too dangerous.  Maybe we fell off the monkey bars or went down the sliding board the wrong way.  Hell, I fell and busted my chin on the railroad tracks and when I ran home, bleeding, holding my chin got in trouble for being near the railroad tracks!  No stitches, no emergency room.  Clean it up, patch it up and go back outside!  Outside until the street lights came on.

Youth centers are gone.  It’s no longer possible to be a Boy Scout, only, a “Scout.”  After all, being a Boy Scout is sexist, chauvinistic and misogynistic and very, very, VERY non-inclusive! Yet you CAN still be a Girl Scout; however, because somehow that is not non-inclusive or sexist in any way. Men don’t dare call a waitress sweetheart , while waitresses can call men honey or sweetie.

Kids don’t play outside because their parents fear some psycho will kidnap them, kill them and chop them into little pieces; or they prefer gluing themselves in front of a television or computer screen playing video games getting fat, lazy and withdrawn.  They don’t ride their bikes anywhere if they even have a bike but rather have mom or dad chauffeur them around town.

I spent my youth either involved in sports or with a B*B gun and/or a pellet rifle exploring and shooting along the river or on a nearby mountain or in the remains of an abandoned coal mine and colliery. We explored, we looked, observed and we learned about our world; and we ALL carried a pocket knife.  I ALWAYS had my Swiss Army Knife in my pocket, even in school.  No one gave it a second thought.

Today a kid with a B*B gun or pellet rifle is CLEARLY up to no good and should probably be in the juvenile system; and kids who carry knives are little sociopaths!  If they dare, even accidentally take a pocket knife to school they are suspended because of some zero tolerance rule. 

Kids get trophies whether they win or lose.  Wouldn’t want to damage their fragile self esteem, even though since the day they were born they have been told they are God’s special little gift to the world.  Win, lose or draw, suddenly it’s become all about the participation!  If you win you get an award!  If you lose you get an award!  If you tie you get an award!  Then these kids wonder why they can’t function in the real world where there really ARE winners and losers!

They can’t understand why they can’t get a six figure salary fresh out of college with no experience!  We’ve actually gotten to the point not just where parents are doing their kids’ college assignments and writing their papers but in some cases are actually going with their children on job interviews!

Christmas Break has become Winter Vacation.  Easter Break has become Spring Vacation.  You can’t say the Lord’s Prayer, but you can pray to Allah.  You no longer pledge allegiance to the flag or even have to stand for the National Anthem and you are FORBIDDEN to pray to God outloud or in a group before a sporting event!  But if you are a boy and you “feel” like a girl, you can use the girls bathroom and the girls locker room and shower with the girls!  After all, we MUST be tolerant and understanding and if the next day you feel like a boy again, well that’s fine too!  Who are we to judge?  At least thats what we’re told.  Guys like me from the old school always figured if you had a cock and a scrotum containing 2 balls you were a man.  Likewise if you had a love taco… You know, a pussy, a vagina, you were a girl.  WRONG!

Now guys like me… You know, the dinosaurs and ogres who have kept this country going for the past thirty years now must have it pounded into our thick, brutish, primitive and narrow minded Neanderthal Skulls that there aren’t just 2 genders!  No, there is gender fluidity and furthermore, gender is a wide ranging scale of many, many, many genders, any of which haven’t even yet been discovered!  Of course this also hand in hand with the ever important personal pronoun.  You know, he, she, we, they?  In fact in some countries like Canada and the UK, calling someone by a personal pronoun other than what they call themselves is a crime and is punishable by law!

No longer can you see a person in a skirt with long flowing hair, feminine jewelry, etc… and call that person she or her. HOW DARE YOU ASSUME! This person could be any of DOZENS of genders and described by dozens of pronouns as outlined at https://uwm.edu/lgbtrc/support/gender-pronouns/  better kbown as the online LGBTQ Pkus Resource Center.  Of course you’re supposed to know this!

We live in a world today where we have murdered mor than 60,000,000 Americans just because, thanks to a non-existent right that a bunch of demi-gods read into the US Constitution allowing the murder of unborn babies.  Hell, in New York you can now murder them even after they have been born and a “Catholic” Governor celebrated this legislation as he signed it into law.  So we invent the right to abortion which comes from the invented “right to privacy,” meanwhile, we restrict in every way possible a God-Given right to posess a firearm as clearly outlined in the Second Amendment.

Kids can’t add, subtract or do basic division.  Not only can they not balance a checkbook but many don’t even know what a checkbook is or how it even works.  Many read several grade levels below where they should and writing and critical thinking skills are non-existent!  Instead, they are taught multi-culturalism, anger management skills, and are indoctrinated in the evils of climate change.

When they get to college, they borrow tens of thousands of dollars in student loans which they will NEVER be able to pay back because they take up majors like “Womens Studies,” ” Feminist Art History, ” Theme Park Engineering, Professional Nannying, and “Pop Culture!”  Yes, at Bowling Green University, you can major in “Pop Culture!”. Where the Hell do you get a job with THAT degree?

How did it get like this?  Somewhere in the mid-nineties all of this insanity began to sprout and over the decades it has grown to the point where we now end ourselves.  A nation of imbecilic, metro-sexual men who can’t even drive a nail to hang a picture are under constant attack by the left and feminists in general for what they call “toxic masculinity.”

Men are the constant butt of jokes in magazines and on television and are portrayed as ignorant , brutish, dumb buffoons who are clearly too stupid to be in charge of anything.  Women run the homes, women drive the cars, Hell, in a Ford Commercial a woman and her daughter drive the SUV up the mountain, cut down the Christmas… Whoops, Holiday Tree, throw it up on the roof, tie it down and drive away. There’s not even a man or husband in the picture. That used to be something a father and son did.  Now it seems like showing a father and son is taboo!  It’s sexist somehow!

Don’t even get me started on the internet and social media and the scourge of the cell phone.  How many times do you walk into a room and find a dozen people all with their heads down looking at some electronic device as though it’s the most important thing in the world?  Asva society we don’t talk, laugh, discuss, brainsorn or really even communicate with one another any more! Instead, we text!

You see these kids working as cashiers or in customer service positions and they don’t understand body language or facial expressions or in many cases  how to actually talk and carry on a conversation because all they do is test, text, text!  Of course it goes without saying they can’t make change!

Their very LIVES are on the internet on Instagram or Facebook or some other platform where they communicate with each other down to the point of sharing intimate photos!  Of course they also use social media to bully and destroy people who don’t quite fit in, sometimes pushing them to actual suicide!

When we we kids on Friday night we went to the football game, then all got together at one of the local hangouts with our girlfriend or boyfriend.  Sometimes we had plans from there and we ALWAYS had a good time!  Amazingly enough, there were no cell phones, tablets or internet and got along just fine, thank you.

Finally, there are gays, lesbians and God knows what else, EVERYWHERE!  Ok. Fine; but it seems that’s not enough.  It’s not enough we see them on tv, in movies, in commercials, but we need internalize this and like it!  We must embrace the LGBTQRSTUV whatever community and lifestyle!  We must embrace it, defend it love it and make believe it’s normal!  If we don’t, there’s something wrong with us!

You see, if you’re Catholic and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  If you’re Baptist and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  If you’re Muslim and can’t accept homosexuality, TOO BAD!  You see, the fact that you’re religious alone is proof that you’re an idiot, undeserving of any consideration!  You’re an obvious whack job who believes in something ridiculous like the Bible or Koran and actually worships and believes in something greater than yourself!

I could write a book on all of this madness, but this was just supposed to be another blog post.  I guess this is what happens when a society and a nation becomes to fat, lazy and wealthy and stops caring about the things that made them great.  You know sometimes you hear people talk about “the good old days” and when you look at their frame of reference, those days weren’t so good.  When I say it, I’m talking about the greatest decade of all to be a teenager:  the 80’s and guess what?  Things really were better then! Just sayin!’

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