When Is A Vaccine NOT A Vaccine?

Posted: December 11, 2021 in politics

The answer. Simple. When it’s the Covid-19 Vaccine. Whether it’s any of the “vaccines ” currently available it’s all the sam They aren’t vaccines at all. Remember when we were little kids and we got a wide range of real vaccinations against things like Measles, Mumps, Polio, you name it.

We were NOT given vaccinations to lessen symptom or to lessen hospitalizations. Nope. We we vaccinated so we didn’t get these horrific and deadly diseases! Period! When was the last case of Polio in the U.S.? Why? Because we have a vaccine!!! THAT’S WHAT VACCINES DO…PREVENT DISEASE!

What is currently being touted as “vaccines ” are simply MRNA Inhibitors which attempt to rewrite a person’s DNA to make it…and this is impossible, to make a person less susceptible to Covid-19 and to lessen the severity. The problem is: IT DOESN’T WORK! Add to that the horrendous side effects some people experience after taking “the jab” and one can easily begin to say sorry you’re not giving that to me pal! Case in point , musician Eric Clapton who had side effects so bad he may never play the guitar again!

then the case of former General and Secretary of State Colin Powell who died from Covid-19. Powell was vaccinated and boosterized and he STILL contracted the disease and died from it! A former secretary of state!

So why…WHY would I happily and compliancy stick my arm out for a jab when it’s STILL experimental and the bottom line is that it doesn’t work? When they come out with a real vaccine I will be the first in line because me my wife and son all had Covid back in June and it was no picnic. But we survived and we are just fine….with no “vaccine.”

So if it doesn’t protect, doesn’t work and the side effects are potentially horrible, we have as ourselves, why is the government pushing so hard for everyone to get vaccinated? Just sayin’.

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